Peter G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is the second time that this tour has operated.The previously one I believe was in October when it was wetter and that some had unsuitable footwear. Also their daytime flight was via the USA. We were advised to take sturdy shoes, a torch and walking poles with us. The poles were not really necessary.

We travelled with Avianca airlines via Bogata to Panama City on night flights making this a 20 day trip.They use Dreamliners to/from Heathrow. There were 14 guests.

Our Tour Manager was Allison Bissett who was very good . She invited us to join her for dinner each evening as only 2 were included.We had 7 flights and stayed in 11 hotels plus the 2  nights on planes in 20 days. Transport was on a minibus which was rather cramped when we had our main luggage on the back seats.Sometimes it was put on the roof.From El Salvador onwards we had a coach.

Panama. We had a boat trip on Lake Gatun,a part of the Canal, spotting howler,Cappuchin and spider monkeys , a tamarin and various birds before going to Portobello on the Caribbean side to see the fort ruins and to hear about British pirate Henry Morgan and Edward Vernon. Then we travelled on the Panama Canal Train  50 miles  across the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific.The following day we visited the old part of Panama City and a panama hat shop. We just saw a ship leaving the Miraflores locks.The next one was not due until after we had left. Then to the airport to fly to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica. We climbed up to 8000 feet on our minibus to the Irazu craters .There was low cloud restricting visibility.We saw a coati. Back at lower altitudes we visited a farmers market and our guide told us about some of the unusual vegetables/fruit. After the Botanical Gardens where there were many orchids on flower we visited a church built by missionaries in Orosi. The next day we had an aerial tramway ride for about 1 hour through the trees spotting birds. We saw tapirs,a snake and visited the butterfly house .Then it was off the the EARTH university set in extensive grounds .There we visited a banana plantation and had a short walk in the forest. Then on to the first of our lodge type "hotels". There were several birds around the breakfast restaurant.

After a walk in the forest the next day we travelled to Cano Negro, accessed via a 20 km track off the main road to stay in a hotel where the rooms were in blocks within the grounds. On a boat trip  on the river the next day we saw caiman,herons,basilicks and kingfishers. Those who visited a farm in the afternoon planted trees.

The next day we drove to the Nicaragua border  where it took 1.5 hours to cross.

Nicaragua. After a stop in the lovely Spanish colonial city of Granada for lunch we eventually found our next hotel  at Laguna de Apoyo overlooking a crater lake. this  "hotel" was located on a steep slope with a pizzeria and restaurant near the lake and behind reception a track led up the hill to the lodges located amongst the trees and further up was the breakfast room.  Trucks provided transport around the site if one did not want to walk. Howler monkeys were in the trees. The next day we had a horse drawn carriage ride in Granada to the lake where we had a boat trip seeing birds and monkeys.  After a  short visit to a 'white village' to see pottery we returned to the hotel for some free time. Leaving the hotel we visited a market in the capital Managua , then Revolution Park and in the afternoon to Leon to see the cathedral. This was a 1.5 hour journey and 2.5 hours back due to traffic. This was  a lot of travelling and could be omitted. We stayed half a night at an airport hotel as we had a 3 am alarm call to catch a flight to El Salvador.

El Salvador. We had a coach from now onwards. We Visited the first of the Mayan sites at Joya de Ceren .This was a domestic site whereas the others were more religious/ceremonial. The site had been buried  after the eruption of a volcano. Then we returned to San Salvador where there were soldiers on the streets assisting police . There are problems with gangs here. We visited an army military museum and the cathedral and a modern church here. The next day we stopped in Suchitoto where we visited the market,had free time and had a typical lunch .Then we travelled to Honduras via Guatemala.

Honduras.  We stayed in Copan was was on 30 minutes from the Guatemala border. Our coach could not access the town centre and hotel and so we  traveled in tuktuks. We toured the  Mayan ruins - stelae,acropolis and altars.

Guatemala. We stopped at another Mayan site Quirigua where there were several tall stelae (stone carvings) and then had a boat trip with luggage on the Rio Dulce to Livingstone on the Caribbean.All rooms in the hotel had sea views.  The town had a very Caribbean feel. There was one main street with many shops. Fish were being dried on the quayside. Lots of pelicans were  seen. A free afternoon!  The next day back on the Rio Dulce we visited a school in the jungle and San Felipe fort ,built to defend against pirates. Having transferred to our coach, we continued to our final hotel in Flores. The next day we went to Tikal , a large Mayan site located in the jungle . Some walked from the entrance to the ruins and others used the shuttle. We had a guided tour of the ruins  - temples,palaces and plazas before an included lunch on site. It was hot and humid but could have been worse. Returning to the hotel one room was available for showering and a change of clothes before flying to Guatemala City in the evening. We stayed at an airport hotel and the following afternoon had a flight to Bogota  for a night flight back to London.

In all it was an enjoyable tour with only a little free time. The weather was fine, some overnight showers  with temperatures up to the low 30s.

Hi Peter G,

I'm delighted to hear that you had a lovely time on your recent JY holiday, despite the traffic that you came across. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with the wider JY Community.

I have forwarded your feedback on to our Customer Care team.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Peter,

Many thanks for your review - this is a tour I've considered doing.  A couple of questions for you, if you don't mind.  I've done the JY Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour and the Mexico/Guatemala/Belize tour (now discontinued), so I would have covered some of the areas already.  Panama interests me greatly - did you enjoy your time there and did you see a lot of wildlife (from what you said it sounds like you saw a reasonable amount)?  This trip covers different areas of CR to the places we stayed - what did you think of them (I'm not sure if you've done the JY Costa Rica tour?). Compared to the JY Costa Rica tour, it doesn't sound like you saw much wildlife while there? What did you think of El Salvador and Honduras?  Another JY traveller didn't exactly sell this tour to me and particularly didn't like Livingstone, what did you think of it?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Thank you Peter for your review. Not on my To Do list although Cuba is and is a seperate holiday. One day I hope to get there.


  • (Member)
Hi Peter

Thank you for your review. Looks like you had a nice time. Having done the Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour, you certainly visited the areas we did not so Central America tour does appeal to me even though there are a couple of places I have already been to - Tikal, boat cruise on Lake Nicaragua. Like Bob, I too would like to know what you thought of El Salvador and Honduras as these places were considered too dangerous to travel to a few years ago.



Peter G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

We only had a couple of days in Panama and only saw the Panama canal zone. The wildlife we saw was on the  1-2 hour boat trip as I mentioned. Panama City was a contrast of modern skyscrapers (one was twisted) in the financial area and the colonial buildings in the old part where some were under restoration.

I went on the Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour last year and found that this tour complements the other as we visited different parts. We saw more wildlife on last years visit but on the forest walks at La Selva and the boat trip at Cano Negro we saw many birds-plovers,egrets,herons,kingfishers,hummingbirds,grackles,stilts,flycatchers as well as caiman,iguanas,bats  and others.

We entered Honduras from Guatemala for a 30 minute journey to Copan,stayed a day and left by the same route. We only saw  the hilly countryside and the ruins at Copan where there were Montezuma Oropendolas,turkeys and macaws .

Livingston is only accessible by water. We had a 1.5 hour journey by boat on the Rio Dulce. The alternative was on the Caribbean sea where it could be choppy. I enjoyed Livingston with its Caribbean feel,the many small shops, lots of brown pelicans,the small fishing boats. We had a 'free' day to relax by the pool  or on our balconies overlooking the sea.

  • (Member)
Hi Peter

Thank you for your lovely informative review. I had been looking to see if you had done a review especially after chatting about it with you and the negative review some one had given it, whilst we were at the Destinations Show.

I am pleased that you enjoyed the tour. I am interested in going either on this holiday or the Costa Rica holiday.

Was the train trip interesting for you?

kind regards


Peter G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

The 1 hour train trip was ok .Although there were several carriages all tourist groups were squeezed into the one double decker coach where there was little room for hand luggage. Once moving some of us stood in the open balcony areas or moved  elsewhere.There did not seem to be many passengers on the rest of the train . Although we ran reasonably close to the canal views were often obscured by trees.

Glad you had a good time in South America.


  • (Member)
Hi Peter,

Many thanks for your reply - I don't think this tour is one for me to put to the top of my wish list for now!

Best wishes,


Julie White
Hello ,

Thank you for writing your lovely review. I have been to Costa Rica and really enjoyed that trip so I will probably consider doing this trip in the future. It looks amazing!!

Alison has also been my tour manager on two trips with Just You and I can vouch that she is excellent.

Regards Julie

Hi Peter,

This was a holiday I was considering booking last year, but decided to go for India +Amritsar in February instead.  Was put off by the high price and, after having done the - now rested - Mexico, Guatemala, Belize trip which had its problems. wanted to hear what others said first.

Good to have a proper overview, many thanks for the details.  Will keep the trip in mind, but think there are quite a few other trips that I'd prefer over this.  

