  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
A short(ish) review for a short trip!  This was an excellent holiday with a very good group and tour manager, Susan Burn.  We stayed for four nights in the Chateau Bela in southern Slovakia, which was renovated ten years ago and is a stunning building in lovely grounds.  The rooms were wonderful, each with individual character - I discovered to my surprise that Prince Harry stayed in my room a couple of years ago for a wedding!  The food in the chateau was very good and beautifully presented.  Wine is very much a personal preference and I found the wines served to be good, rather than outstanding but they were very drinkable!  We were offered a choice of red or white each night, but we weren't given any details of what we were drinking.  The servings were small but most nights we could have a third glass if we wished.  On the final full day, we went for a walk up the road to the vineyard in the company of a member of staff and afterwards we met the owner of the winery and he gave us a very informative and humorous talk on its history.

The chateau is two hours from Budapest and two and a half hours from Bratislava.  The scenery was a mixture of gentle hills and farming land and was very green.  We enjoyed full day visits to each city in the company of local guides and both cities are charming and well worth visiting.  The included lunch on board the boat in Budapest was most enjoyable and there was lots of free time in Bratislava to find somewhere good to eat - prices were not that high.  At the chateau, drinks you buy yourself are put on a tab and we settled up on the last day - prices were a bit cheaper than they are at home.  There is a shop two minutes walk away which sells water very cheaply and it was also available on the bus.  The rooms had eastern European style sockets, which took two pin adaptors - but be sure your adaptor has a hole above the pins, as the sockets have a pin in them!  Google this, if you're not sure what I mean.  The hotel has wifi in the reception area, but not in most of the rooms.  The rooms didn't have air con and some/most didn't have hairdryers, tea/coffee facilities or room safes, so make sure you bring a padlock for your case.  Having said that, the chateau is located in an isolated and very small village and it felt very safe.  After the wine tasting (two whites and a red) some of us wandered up to the local pub, which was an experience!  Beer was only 80c a pint!

The group were very friendly and we got on well - a very sociable bunch!  Ages ranged from 40s - 80s, with 11 women and 4 men.  The weather was very good - cool first thing in the mornings but it quickly heated up.  There wasn't any need for insect repellent when we were there, but it might be a different story later on in the year. Thunderstorms were forecast but apart from a couple of brief showers, we had dry weather all the way.  People dressed up slightly in the evenings but there was no pressure to do so.  I'm sure I haven't covered everything so I will rely on some of my wonderful travelling companions to fill in the blanks!

All the best,


Brilliant review as always Bob. One thing to add is that on the way to Bratislava you have a coffee / loo stop at a motorway services. The services were far superior to the ones we have at home with freshly made sandwiches, pastries, cooked meals as well as the usual snack shop. It should be noted that it costs 50c to use the loo however you then get a 50c discount voucher back so make sure you visit the loo before you get your coffee or snack.
Great review Bob.  :)

Perhaps this is one I ought to consider?  That way I could finally see Budapest and Bratislava!  And the beer is cheaper too! 😃

A great review Bob - Spot on.

I would like to add that the staff at the Chateau were very friendly and helpful. The rooms were very luxurious. The bar was quite small, but the service was good. You could also order Tea/Coffee through reception to drink in one of the many drawing rooms or out on the terrace.

It really was a brilliant holiday.

  • (Member)
Thanks for leaving a review Bob, looks like a very nice tour you have had there, good scenery nice people and WINE!! ...


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi folks,

Thanks for your comments! Elaine, there was quite a lot of walking on the two city tours and some of the rooms at the chateau were up several flights of stairs, just to bear this in mind if you're thinking about doing this one.  The hotel staff really were lovely and tried their very best.  I should also mention that the local Slovak brandy is very nice - and cheap!!

All the best,


Julie White
Thanks Bob,

Great review and I have to reiterate it was an excellent holiday.  We had lots of fun and the whole group were very sociable.

The Chateau Bela is a beautiful hotel and the scenery is stunning.  Just a shame it all had to come to an end.

Hope to see you all again soon.

Regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Thanks for the review. I am not a wine drinker so not sure if this holiday is for me though staying at Chateau Bela would be lovely and trips to the two Cities too would be nice as I have not yet visited any of them.



HI Jaya,

I am not a huge wine drinker - so don't let this put you off. Its a great trip even without the wine :)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya,

I agree with Kerry - although billed as a wine trip, it was not focussed much on wine - well no more than many other JY trips that included a tasting and some wine at dinner!

The main attraction of this tour is staying in the lovely chateau, good food and the trips to Budapest and Bratislava.

All the best,


  • (Member)
Thanks for your interesting and informative review, Bob. I really like the sound of the Chateau. It's a step up from the Tuscany hotel I think. It sounds like my kind of holiday but I discounted it as did the Budapest to Strasbourg cruise fairly recently. 

Your group sounds much the same as those on my last holiday - very interested in wine tasting!

Where are you off to next?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks Rae, I've just paid the balance for Crete in September.  It should be a lovely trip, a bit slower paced than the tours I usually do and it will seem strange staying in the same hotel for a full week!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Many thanks Rae, I've just paid the balance for Crete in September.  It should be a lovely trip, a bit slower paced than the tours I usually do and it will seem strange staying in the same hotel for a full week!



That sounds a good holiday too. I'm going to Crete, independently, with a friend, in mid September so will be interested to read any review you write about the places you visit. Ours will tend to be a bit more laid back than a JY holiday. However we don't really like lying on the beach and are always looking for interesting things to do. 



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Rae,

No problem - I don't get back until 14th Sept so by the time the review appears it might be too late for you unless you log on to the forum while you're away!  I know so many people who have been to Crete and they have all loved it - friends of mine are just back from spending six months there and they plan to go back again this winter.  Really looking forward to it - the only thing is, I might have to buy a new set of clothes when I get back as I hear the food is really good!!



  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Jaya,

I agree with Kerry - although billed as a wine trip, it was not focussed much on wine - well no more than many other JY trips that included a tasting and some wine at dinner!

The main attraction of this tour is staying in the lovely chateau, good food and the trips to Budapest and Bratislava.

All the best,


Hi Bob and Kerry

I am quite tempted and will add this trip to my ever increasing list.  It would be an experience staying in a Chateau and especially trips to Budapest and Bratislava.  You have changed my mind!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Rose,

That sounds good!  I think the staff at Chateau Bela are a bit new to the wine tasting aspect of the hotel so I'm sure they will be more forthcoming as time goes by.  I've had many wine tastings on various JY tours - and will have more in Crete in Sept and no doubt much wine tasting will be done in Chile as well in November!  Always an enjoyable experience....

