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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I thought I would post a review of a wonderful holiday having recently returned. I will start with the weather - no snow - yet - but very cold. The days out in the tundra buggy were marvellous - we saw polar bears (up close and personal!) and a couple of arctic foxes. Our tundra trips consisted of 12 people plus 2 crew which was great - we all said we wouldn't have wanted any more on board due to getting best pics/videos. One of the highlights was seeing a bear get airlifted out of Churchill after being released from the polar bear jail. Lazy bear lodge hotel very comfortable, good food and staff could not have done more for us. Dog carting was fun even though it was raining and windy. Marvellous hosts at the Blue Sky Husky centre.

The flight from Heathrow to Toronto landed very late and it left very little time to get the Winnipeg connection. We literally ran from arrivals at Toronto to get the next plane and just made it. On the return journey the airport at Churchill was fog-bound and the plane could not take off so our Tour Manager Yvette had to find rooms for an unexpected overnight stay. Rooms were very short in Churchill so we had a few hotels and shared twin rooms.

I would like to say thank you to Yvette for looking after us so well and thanks too for the email enclosing the photos. Also hello to Mags, Linda, Lorraine and Amanda. Many thanks for your company and who knows we may meet up again in Churchill next year for some more polar bear spotting!


So glad you had a great time Gill. So lucky to see the arctic foxes as well as bears plus a relocation. This time next week we will be at Heathrow! Looks like we will get the snow - so hope we can land in Churchill! Your group sounds much smaller than ours or were you split between 2 buggies? I could ask a million questions …….. but seriously - how many layers did you need to wear? :huh:
  • (Member)
Glad you had fun, shame there was no snow!


Hi Gill,

Sounds like an amazing adventure, thanks for the review.

kind Regards


A minor issue, but to help with my packing can I ask if all the hotels had hair dryers?
  • (Member)
'sallyc' wrote:

A minor issue, but to help with my packing can I ask if all the hotels had hair dryers?

Hi Sally,

I certainly haven't got room in my case for a hair dryer! So many thermals, hats, gloves etc. etc.

See you next week!



  • (Member)
Hi Gill,

I'm off on this trip next week and I have various questions for you!

1. What is the situation with taking camera batteries through security at Heathrow and the Canadian Airports in your hand luggage - some airports take them away from you!

2. What clothing did you wear - exactly! I know we will have it colder and with snow next week, but just to be on the safe side!

3. How many were in your party - re the tundra buggy - there are 20 of us?

4. What was your transfer time (officially) between your Toronto and Winnipeg flight?

5. How long is the flight from Winnipeg to Churchill? Are the overhead lockers on the plane a decent size - I have a grip type hand luggage for cameras etc. etc.?

I'm sure I'll think of some more questions before the end of the week, but would be most grateful if you could answer the above.

Many thanks.



Having seen the webcam (snowing heavily) and the forecast (minus 12C and even minus temps in Winnipeg) I think I'm bringing every gram of my 23 kgs allowance. I just don't fancy going out with wet hair if it can be helped. Sooooo excited now - I even watched 'our' plane take off on a flight tracking app this morning (yes - sad I know). I 'liked' the Polar Bear Alley Facebook page and they are posting photos daily taken up there and wow they are incredible. Having seen the David Attenborough programme last week I am also excited about seeing Arctic foxes if we're lucky.
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'1981Kedi' wrote:

So glad you had a great time Gill. So lucky to see the arctic foxes as well as bears plus a relocation. This time next week we will be at Heathrow! Looks like we will get the snow - so hope we can land in Churchill! Your group sounds much smaller than ours or were you split between 2 buggies? I could ask a million questions …….. but seriously - how many layers did you need to wear? :huh:

Hi to answer a couple of questions - our group was only 12 in total so we had the one buggy so we did not share with any other party or group. Yes there were hair driers at Lazy Bear.

Regarding layers definitely a thermal layer needed - in fact on one occasion I had two thermal layers on. But you will probably get snow so thermals most definitely needed.



I can help with a couple of your questions.

Camera batteries - I have never had my batteries taken from me and always carry them as hand luggage (I travel extensively so I don't think it's just luck).

The flight to Churchill from Winnipeg is 2.5 hours.

As regards layers I am going with: Thermal underwear (+2 pairs of socks) / Long sleeved t shirt / heavy fleece jumper / quilted long coat then winter trousers, polar buff, hat and two pairs of gloves, snow boots. If I can walk in all that it will be a miracle!

'gill54' wrote:

'1981Kedi' wrote:

Hi to answer a couple of questions - our group was only 12 in total so we had the one buggy so we did not share with any other party or group. Yes there were hair driers at Lazy Bear.

Regarding layers definitely a thermal layer needed - in fact on one occasion I had two thermal layers on. But you will probably get snow so thermals most definitely needed.


Thanks for the reply Gill. I was hoping we would have had a small group too, but it grew to 20 since the original group size numbers were given. (Not to mention the extra tour date put on for the day before us - I am assured this will not impinge on our planned itinerary) Will there be adequate room in the buggy for all of us to have a window view? I realise you can also get outside on the buggy - would there be enough space there too?

Got some thermals! What about your footwear? Also, what did you wear in Winnipeg (presumably on the flight to and from Churchill)?

Sorry to bombard you with questions! Just too excited!!! 🙂

Julie White
Thanks for the great review Gill

I am off on this trip on Monday and I can't wait. I hope we get to see an artic fox.

Thanks again Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Hils' wrote:

Hi Gill,

I'm off on this trip next week and I have various questions for you!

1. What is the situation with taking camera batteries through security at Heathrow and the Canadian Airports in your hand luggage - some airports take them away from you!

2. What clothing did you wear - exactly! I know we will have it colder and with snow next week, but just to be on the safe side!

3. How many were in your party - re the tundra buggy - there are 20 of us?

4. What was your transfer time (officially) between your Toronto and Winnipeg flight?

5. How long is the flight from Winnipeg to Churchill? Are the overhead lockers on the plane a decent size - I have a grip type hand luggage for cameras etc. etc.?

I'm sure I'll think of some more questions before the end of the week, but would be most grateful if you could answer the above.

Many thanks.




The battery question has been answered by Sally so I'll skip over that one. The transfer time I can't remember as I've got rid of my paperwork but I'm sure it was something like 1.25 hours but as I said the Heathrow plane took off late and landed late and we had to run. The overhead lockers on the Calmair flight are not huge its only a 40 seater plane and the plane we had from Churchill to Winnipeg was a 20 seater. One of our party could not fit in her hand luggage in the locker so the flight attendant took it from her and stored it at the rear of the plane. Clothing for me was ski pants thermals and long thick jumpers and a coat.

Make sure your cameras etc are fully charged as two of us were pulled over at Heathrow for a spot check and we had to show that we had maximum charge on all our items.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'1981Kedi' wrote:

'gill54' wrote:

'1981Kedi' wrote:

Hi to answer a couple of questions - our group was only 12 in total so we had the one buggy so we did not share with any other party or group. Yes there were hair driers at Lazy Bear.

Regarding layers definitely a thermal layer needed - in fact on one occasion I had two thermal layers on. But you will probably get snow so thermals most definitely needed.


Thanks for the reply Gill. I was hoping we would have had a small group too, but it grew to 20 since the original group size numbers were given. (Not to mention the extra tour date put on for the day before us - I am assured this will not impinge on our planned itinerary) Will there be adequate room in the buggy for all of us to have a window view? I realise you can also get outside on the buggy - would there be enough space there too?

Got some thermals! What about your footwear? Also, what did you wear in Winnipeg (presumably on the flight to and from Churchill)?

Sorry to bombard you with questions! Just too excited!!! :)


Yes there's plenty of room in the buggy for you to have a window view when surveying the land looking for them. But realistically when the bears come really close to the buggy then its a bit of a jostle to get the best pics/videos. Footwear, I took wellie type boots for the tundra and uggs for the other days. I did wear shoes from Heathrow to Winnipeg and vice versa.

PS For those of you tempted to have an upgrade on the final long leg home then the price I was quoted at the desk was 1600 dollars!


We shouldn't be sharing a tundra buggy with the group departing on Sunday as long as their itinerary is the same - they will be on their 'tour of the town' day when we have our first tundra day and vice versa.

For the travel days and Winnipeg days I'm taking walking boots. If I have space I'll put normal shoes in for being around the hotel but they may be sacrificed for thermals!

Many thanks for all the info Gill. I was really worried about the original short transfer time at Toronto - and then they changed ours to 4 hours!!!!

I think we must be the biggest group. Only 4 of us on the forum at present so lots of new people to meet.

To complete my arctic clothing I now have Polar Bear design pyjamas! :)

Happy travelling!

  • (Member)
Hi Gill & Sally,

Thanks for your replies. I have actually had camera batteries taken off me - admittedly in India, that's why I asked! It would be a disaster if I couldn't use my camera/s on this trip!

It looks as though we will have enough time at Toronto for the transfer. The overhead locker question for the Churchill flights may mean that I have to wear my very large heavy snow boots, and squash my bag in the locker - and wear my cameras!

Weather in Churchill at 9 a.m - currently -11C feeling like -22C overcast and snow!!!

See you on Monday Sally.



  • (Member)
Right at the beginning of this thread, Gill54 mentioned a few photos that had been shared with the group by Tour Manager Yvette Barnett. Some of these made it to JYHQ and to whet the appetite of those departing on Sunday and Monday, why not take a look at what you may see next week? Simply click on the following link... 



  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Right at the beginning of this thread, Gill54 mentioned a few photos that had been shared with the group by Tour Manager Yvette Barnett. Some of these made it to JYHQ and to whet the appetite of those departing on Sunday and Monday, why not take a look at what you may see next week? Simply click on the following link... 



Hi Julia,

Thanks so much for the photos - they do all look very cold though, and it is currently -24C in Churchill!! It will be fantastic if the bears come that close to us next week.

Great excitement!



Thanks for posting the amazing photos and for the link - I knew they were somewhere in the pipeline as when I spoke to someone at JY in October she had already seen them and said everyone was impressed - as am I! Good to see the group too - even if they do look a little chilly! I watched two Polar Bears on the live web cam today - play fighting in the snow. Getting so excited!!!! 🙂