  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This was the smallest group of travellers on any holiday I have been on, 10 men and 3 ladies; as such we got to know each other well during the holiday. We were met by our tour manager Nicoleta at Heathrow Airport.

After a long flight to Mexico City we were greeted by Mario our local guide and Raoul our driver.

Day 1

Visited Mexico City, Mario gave us a history of Mexico using the Diego Rivera murals which was both interesting and informative. Then onto the Anthropological Museum, via a ride on the subway train. Again Mario brought the exhibits to life with his description.

That evening we enjoyed the included dinner, tried Tequila for the first time, liked the Tequila, did not enjoy the tomato juice accompaniment!

Day 2

Went to Teotihuacan, saw the Temple of Quetzelcoatl and given a description of pyramid building. Then onto a stop to try 'pulce' a drink made from the Cactus and a chance to buy Obsidian and other jewellery. Then onto the main part of the site, climbed to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, first half of the climb was hard work, but the top part was easier, have photographic proof I made it!

Stopped for a local vendor to give us a demonstration of how colours are obtained.

Saw the Temple of Butterflies, missed out on the Pyramid of the Moon due to lack of time.

Had lunch then went onto the Shrine of Guadalupe which was very busy. In the evening we had dinner in a local restaurant near the hotel which we all enjoyed.

Day 3

Mario kept us amused with local legends during the coach trip to Puebla. There Mario took us into a local sweet shop to sample the local delicacies. We then had a walk town around town and lunch before going onto Oaxaca, and our hotel.

Day 4

We visited Monte Alban, superb, well worth the visit. We had a drink in the cafe watching humming birds in the tree. Onto Oaxaca for a walk around the town and a visit to a chocolate shop to see how the chocolate is processed. This was followed by lunch in the plaza and then some free time.

Day 5

Long day on the coach, visited the Tule tree and then the archaeological site of Mitla. We had lunch at Rancho Zapata, after seeing how mescal is made and a tasting. This was followed by a long afternoon coach trip on winding mountain roads through the Sierra Madre Mountains. The service at the hotel was slow, especially as I ordered banana flambé, which was made at the table side.

Day 6

Following another long journey on the coach, again through the Sierra Madre Mountains, we then had a trip on the boat at Sumidero Canyon , which was both exciting and interesting, although the weather could have been better. Nice hotel in San Christobal, service and food a little uneven.

Day 7

After 2 days on the coach, glad of a rest, visit to two local indigenous communities which were completely different.

Day 8

What should have been a relatively short day turned into a long coach journey due to the road between San Christobal and Palenque being blocked by protestors, we eventually arrived at our hotel and had a swim in the rain.

Day 9

Visited archaeological site of Palenque, highlight for me was viewing the stele with the astronaut on! (Erich von Daniken fan). Interesting site and Jungle walk. We then travelled onto Campeche, on nice straight roads, pity about all the speed bumps.

Day 10

Visited archaeological site of Uxmal, then onto Merida. Arrived in Merida and the heavens opened, torrential rain, had to eat in the hotel, who I do not think were prepared for us, our original venue was outside.

Day 11

Onto Chichen-Itza, interesting site with lots of vendors. Then onto Cancun. Different hotel than advertised due to original hotel still being refurbished, new hotel very good and right on the beach. Nice dinner in local restaurant, but watch out for the cost of the wine.

Day 12

Said goodbye to the people returning to the UK. Had a quiet afternoon on the beach.

Day 13

Off to Tulum and Xel-ha, picked up by a tour bus, then onto a transfer point where we caught another bus got our trip, today was how I had imagined Mexico would be, blue skies and hot. Tulum was interesting, please note that the exit is on the far side of the site from the entrance. Then onto Xel-Ha, apart from some attractions everything is free including the food and drink. I can recommend the river float and zip wires from personal experience. The restaurants and bars shut at 5pm.

Day 14

At leisure in Cancun, writing this review.

In summary an excellent holiday visiting many sites, the local guide, Mario, was very passionate, interesting, informative and helpful. The hotel rooms were of good quality, although some of the bathrooms could do with some refurbishment, the staff in general were helpful, although in some cases there was a lack of training.

  • (Member)
Hi David,

Many thanks for your great review - it sounds like you had a really good tour despite some long travelling days and some bad weather - I thought it would have been sweltering and dry throughout!

As I said on the other thread, Mexico is on my "to do" list so your review has been very helpful.

Best wishes,


Hi David. I travel Friday so this is very helpful. Regards Ian
  • (Member)
Wow David, what a great review!


  • (Member)

thanks for taking the time to write a great detailed review, I feel exhausted reading it..glad you had a great time.


  • (Member)

Thanks for the wonderful review. It is hard to believe that you were such a small group and men outnumbered women.



I was on the same trip and agree with all of David's comments. It was a fantastic tour albeit it a bit tiring as we were on the move each day and the distances were long (did not realize Mexico was such a large country!). Company was great and it made a change to have so many guys. On previous trips I thought our sex was on the verge of extinction! Many thanks to Mario,our Mexican guide, who told us so much about his country and to Raoul, our driver, who made our journey so comfortable (his large coach had all the mod cons including TV and a loo). The roads in Mexico are generally very good and straight until you cross the sierra. Then the curves get seriously windy. But not to worry, Mario sat net to Raoul to make sure he did not fall asleep!! Also many thanks to Nicoletta, our tour manager, who made sure that we were all happy and comfortable. As a Spanish speaker it helped to speak the language as waiters in particular had difficulties in understanding us. However the souvenir vendors in general had no such difficulties!! Haggle over the prices of souvenirs. You will be surprised what money you can save!