  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Really enjoyed our wonderful tour of Peru, such beautiful landscape scenery and culture which had me very impressed with this country, following a long 12 1/2 hr flight from Amsterdam we arrived in Lima at around six in the evening for a two night stay which was much needed flying from a regional airport rather than from London whereas you arrived in the early hours of the following morning, something to bear in mind, any how the included city tour wasn't till the afternoon so time to recover from that long flight, there were around 37 on the tour including about 8 singles which was quite a large group of which 15 of us went on to the Amazon

[/b] LIMA

was mainly overcast at around 18d, time for a morning stroll down to the seafront which was murky and drizzly and an interesting look round watching the traffic cops and street cleaners at work, in the opposite direction towards Love park there are many cafes where we enjoyed some chocolate churros and a beer, yes and a beer!!!, Lima can get quite cold at night so wrap up it's a bit like Manchester on a summers day lol

next day it was a 8.30 departure as we headed for Paracas passing through many shanty towns on route, spotting our first Llamas and Alpacas, stopping at sites as well as lunch before arriving in the amazing little town of Chincha, tuk tuks paradise where crossing the road is a sight to behold, it's hold hands and run like mad lol, the following morning came one of the highlights the Ballestas Islands departing at 7.30am for the 2 hour boat trip where you have ever seen so many birds, from Penguins, seals to Peruvian boobies they are everywhere, a very enjoyable trip and the water was quite mild really despite the light drizzle so wrap up, thankfully there was no bird muck dropped on us, time left for a wander round this charming pier and purchase a few gifts from the many gift shops before continuing on our journey south as amazingly the weather changed from the murky north to beautiful sunshine as travelled through the dessert oasis for a stop to see the Nazca lines from a viewpoint tower before continuing to our hotel for around half past five

The following morning Day 5 we had our longest day on the coach covering some 400 miles today and an early departure of 7am, some people thought this a bit much but some like myself found thed journey fascinating as we headed along cliff side bendy curvy roads with such stunning ocean views, sit on the right hand side of the coach unless your not keen on heights as some of the turns can turn your stomach, another beautiful morning as a stop was made to dip your feet in the cold pacific ocean, even some dolphins were spotted as we continued along the coastline before heading inland across dessert before stopping for a late lunch before arriving in the city of Arequiba around 7.30pm for our first two night break since leaving Lima


was probably our favourite city, we loved Arequiba, this is where the altitude starts to kick in but just take it easy and don't rush and you'll be ok I had no problems but many did thoughout the tour with one thing or another but our wonderful Tour Manager Rosario was always there to help us and would not hesitate to call out a doctor always giving us her room number insisting we call her with any problems, the cocoa tea was a great help, please drink it it gets better and may be easier to drink if leave it cool down a bit and it's free and on tap in most places, our city tour the following morning showed us the sights of this lovely city with it's attractive square where some of us stayed down there before getting a taxi back to the hotel, we walked down again later a few of us singles having teamed up as it was close enough to the hotel

the following morning we had another early start 7am, this was the day we headed for Colca Canyon in search of the majestic condor, we had a super included picnic lunch full of all sorts of goodies to munch into as we sat around this beautiful spot waiting and waiting, eventually we did catch a glimpse of the condor or two maybe but was very high, wrong time of day we are told and this really needs to be early morning around b'fast time which I guess could be done though people only then groan at another early rise, you cannot have it all ways, the canyon was around 45mins from the hotel and there was some nice and rare chilling out time this afternoon, here we are at around 13,000 ft, this evening was an included buffet dinner with music and dancers which was nice

another early 7am start followed, no good for you nine o'clockers lol but Peru is pretty big and always lots to see, we had another included picnic today at a beautiful spot overlooking a lake, weather remains nice, tshirt weather but always need that light cardigan and pullover for the early mornings, a interesting stop was made at the site in Sillustani and we were at the eco inn in Puno around five

PUNO 2 nights

hooray you nine o'clockers you get a wee lie in, 9.30 depart for one of the highlights of the tour, the floating islands on Lake Titicaca, a lovely gentle cruise out to these colourful islands, get your cameras ready as we visit a couple of them to learn all about their culture and methods and to the visit the school and museum, we return about lunchtime and we have a free afternoon to either chill out around the hotel or get a taxi into Puno for around 5 soles, we were very lucky as the annual parade was on very colourful procession dancing music and as our TM called out girls in mini skirts looking at us men ho ho only happens once a year but our ten minute taxi ride back this evening took us an hour and a half due to the traffic and the parade still going on was amazing

Time to head for Cusco, 7.30am start with 300 miles to cover but many stops today including another buffet lunch on route and we reached our hotel around 6.30pm, most the hotels you could get light meals at the bar toasted sandwiches chips omelettes etc or you can use the restaurant, the hotel in Cusco was a proper hotel with a proper bar, well situated with markets across the road and a fifteen min stroll up to the square, visit paddys irish bar for a free poster, we particulary liked the cross keys slightly hidden away and upstairs, there were election campaigns in many of the town throughout peru with music and marches etc which slowed the traffic down at times but this added to the excitement


we took our optional tour to the sacred valley on Sunday as the market at Pisac brings all the locals out more where we had about an hour to browse round before continuing for lunch passing through many interesting villages, the site itself was an interesting experience but it's a long way up if you want to reach the top, I only managed two levels and that was enough for me whilst many less mobile than myself made it all the way to the top, back at the hotel around 5.30 we dined there though I hear Vallentinos across the road is very good, well it looked busy when we passed so that's usually a good sign

Macchu Picchu was an early start at 6.30am, a three and a half hour train ride and then a 25 min journey by bus to reach the site but very well worth it, a two hour tour with our guide was followed by a super buffet lunch amidst the odd shower before our long journey back, the 57 miles taking almost 4 hrs as it trundles along and it was something like twenty past nine when we arrived back at the hotel, a long long day which passed quite quickly really

ok a nice lie in for all as had our city tour at 2pm which took up the whole afternoon, some of us went up into town tonight for a meal, a place that specialises in guinea pig which one of us tried whilst we stuck with the more traditional chicken dish, good value restaurant opposite the willy market shop ho ho, have absolutely no idea what they well there though

on Departure day those going home were leaving around twelve whilst us Amazon adventurers left at nine am for the 11.30am half hour flight to the amazon, the heat was stifling as we left the plane was like going to another country after the cold or rather chilly Cusco, you just sweated immediately, a short ride round the corner to the office lodges where our main suitcases were stored, we had a cold drink and a cold towel to cool down before getting to our cases to remove anything we needed for the amazon, we just packed a bag inside with toiletries etc in clothes for 3 days and grab anything else you think you may need

the boat ride to the lodge took around half an hour and pretty much straight in for lunch, all meals included here, lunch and bfast buffet style and dinner which was very good a la carte, bottle beer was 17sol here as only ten in most hotels on tour and pay at end of stay they will drop you an itemised bill on last evening, the huts at the conception were very spacious and had torches in them which you will need for night excursion and back and forth the restaurant though there are path lights


the night excursion in search of the black and the white cayman was interesting and the guides were very good in spotting them for us

the early morning visit to the parrott clay lick proved a non event as they didn't come down but just our bad luck with being up at 4am, the jungle walks were just spotting plants really and at times monkeys high up in the trees putting on a show for us and throwing things at us, we also had a visit to a farm and to lake sanoval but be warned it's a long gruelling walk, takes lots of water and insist you do this early morning, we got lumbered with a 2pm start when it was hot, still we did it and were proud of it, a nice leisurely canoe ride round the lake followed spotting wildlife including giant otters on the lake

the canopy walkway was good as we had to reach a 150 foot tower to trundle across the seven hanging and swaying bridges over the top of the rain forrest, all rather dicey but worth it, watch out for bridge no 4 which is by far the longest and dips in the middle, mind you don't have to do them but once you have started there is no turning back, on the final evening dinner we all grouped up together on one table to bid farewell to our time in the jungle

I loved PERU and the jungle though only a little taster was an experience, as for money well I took £500 worth of Peru currency and returned with what I changed back at the airport with over £40, I bought loads of gifts, left lots of tips for guides housekeeping TM etc as well as spent on food and drink so I am sure for most people £400 would be ample and atm's are readily available throughout peru

any questions just ask and i'll try and answer them

hope you have enjoyed my review of wonderful peru

  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

What a fantastic review!

I will be passing this on to the Travelsphere team so they can review all of your comments too.

Thank you for taking the time to put your thoughts down for future travellers.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
no problems Julia I shall be doing a separate one on our TM Rosario who's about to embark on a JY tour of peru about now
  • (Member)
Hi Dave

Really loved reading your review. This trip is on my bucket list and hopefully I will be able to do it in the next couple of years.



  • (Member)
Brilliant review Dave, many thanks! I definitely want to do this tour with TS as I think the itinerary is much better than the JY one and hopefully will get to do it within the next five years (so many other holidays to fit in!!).

I have two questions for you - was the altitude a real problem or did taking it easy and drinking the cocoa tea stop it from getting bad? Secondly, I'm not sure about doing the Amazon - I did Costa Rica earlier this year and I imagine the animals and birds seen would be similar. Could you tell me the highlights of the Amazon visit and what types of wildlife you saw?

Many thanks,


Hi Dave,

Thank you for your brilliant review. It sounds like you had an amazing time in Peru. Its somewhere I have always wanted to travel to and I am hoping to do this trip or one similar in 2016 (once I've saved up enough money).

If your happy to share, I would love to see some of your pictures.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

The altitude didn't really affect me I did have a headache for a couple of days and found bending down just to tie your shoelaces leaving me a little breathless but it's a case of not rushing around really, just take things easy take in the air slowly and the cocoa tea is like medicine, there is always oxygen on hand even on the coach, it wasn't as bad as it was made out to be as we acclimatise slowly whilst with JY they just head straight in there missing a lot of the middle heights out, as for the amazon i'm glad I did it but honestly it was nothing special so as you've been similar places I would give that a miss, as for wildlife there was very little that hit you in the face, even the monkeys stay well out of the way high up in the trees, they are not there posing for you like in many other places, a lot of up and down the river and some boarding points can be a little tricky clambering up and down from the boat, I was told by some others of the group that the wildlife was much better in Costa Rica and I found a horrible creature in my hut one night thought was a spider so I blew the whistle for help but nobody came, I managed to deal with it as I could not go to bed with that thing on my wall, I showed some pics of it to the group the following morning they said it looked like some kind of grasshopper then the flowing night blow it behold there was another one this time on my mosquito net, prob looking for his mate, never been so scared at night all on my own

hope this helps

all the best


  • (Member)
HIya Dave

Can't believe how quickly you have posted this wonderful review! Well done, it's spot on.

Now you have done it I will add my comments.

This TS tour is 4 days longer than the JY tour, but after paying the single room supplement I only paid approx. £100 more than I would have done for the JY tour. Great value. In this instance travelling with TS was fine because four or five of the 8 solo travellers got on really well and we hung around together. The other solo travellers were quite happy being alone and none of us would have had a problem eating by ourselves in the hotels in the evenings:it was basically a Bed and Brekky trip although we did have some welcome included lunches and picnics. Condor Travel, who I assume are the TS agents provided a couple of the best picnics I have ever had whilst on a tour.

Julia, Dave and I did promote JY to the solo travellers who had never heard of JY

Dave and I spoke to Rosario about doing a review for this site.She said to make it clear that the 4 extra days that TS do entail really long travelling days.As far as we were concerned that was fine, but to be fair, gosh,

how much desert in Peru . I was amazed.. The Ballestas Islands which Dave has written about are incredible. Can't believe how many pelicans, sealions! Nazca Lines also on this extended part of the holiday were also worth seeing especially if you believe in extraterrestials lol.

As for altitude we did on a couple of days travel in excess of 16,000ft pver the high altiplano. This did cause some altitude sickness which was soon remedied by a whiff of oxygen. Rosario could even identify the dfferent levels of altitude sickness.

There were also a few people with tummy bugs, but I am a drama queen and collapsed at the top of Macchu Picchu and was transported down by stretcher. Unfortunately as I was unconscious I didn't see the hunky Peruvians who brought me down. Well, they had to be hunky to carry me. No comments on that thanks Dave and I am so glad you refrained from taking a photo of me on a stretcher. Am sure you would have been in the doghouse with Pat had you done so.

At the base of the mountain I was put on a drip of antibiotics for a tummy infection and then returned to the hotel with the group.

I can't say how good Rosario was with all the people who were ill including myself. She was so busy all the time, perhaps a group of 38 was a little too large for this holiday. Rosario outshone all the excellent TMS I have ever encountered with either JY or TS. She deserves a medal, so cheerful and entertaing all the time,too.

The highlights of my holiday were the Uros Islands with Lake Titicaca and secondly Macchu PIcchu.

I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday in impressive Peru, but without the Amazon add-on. Which I suspect Dave is now grateful I didn't do. Look forward to seeing your photos soon.

alas, Ladies take a suitcase only half full to Peru, It is a shopper's paradise.


Angie S
Hi Dave,

I'm glad I left you to do the review. I knew you would make a far better job!

Reading your review brought it all back to me. Our journey down the coast was mostly very overcast apart from when we were able to get away from the ocean i.e. Nazca. Unfortunately due to the weather we did not get to the Ballestos Island. A tad disappointing but what can you do. Arequipa onwards I think we were real lucky with the weather.

I liked Arequipa too as it was here I felt I had really arrived in Peru. I thought the journey from Arequipa to the Colca Canyon was amazing getting to over 15000 feet. We saw 2 or 3 condors too. Likewise, those who went in the morning saw more but I was happy - the setting for the picnic lunch was amazing.

The floating village on Titicaca Lake was also a highlight for me but the undoubted highlight of all highlights was Machu Picchu. Me and 3 others skipped the buffet to squeeze the absolute most out of our visit. Our guide kept some stuff for us to eat on the train back which was thoughtful.

Apart from a couple of headaches which went away with pain killers, I too was not affected with the altitude. It did affect a few other people though.

A journey of contrasts - I felt like I was away for a month.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

excellent follow up highlighting some of the points I passed on, don't know why the whole paragraph came out in bold when I only wanted the heading, something for the technical team to work on there Julia so we can actually see what mode we are writing in, I would def recommend doing the TS version unless JY change over to their version, the coach days are very interesting and I enjoy looking at dessert, Rosario did also tell us to be honest when doing a review and I agree she deserves a medal for all she coped with whilst remaining cheerful herself also recalling she wasn't too well herself at times what with a cold and her hand she hurt, Peru is a shoppers paradise with rogue traders even in the most remote areas they all know where the coaches stop ha ha, oh how I wish I had the bottle to have got that camera out with Di on that stretcher ho ho but one look on Christine's face actually put me off ho ho and thank goodness Pat had Rosie's number to pass on to our guide, we all did our little bit and I was honoured to be asked to accompany you back via special car, I too would just edge out MP with the Uros islands especially after our boat getting lost and stuck on the wrong side of the water and having to be rescued by some dear with her child with her boat managing to push us all the way across to the correct bank she got the biggest applause of the whole trip and the biggest tip for her trouble

Angie shame you missed the Ballestas Islands was the water really bad then, did you even get to the waterfront and what did you do in it's place

Kerry, I shall try get some link to photos on here soon


  • (Member)
Hi Dave, Dina and Angie,

Many thanks for your very helpful comments. I am now more determined than ever to do the TS version, unless of course the itinerary is adopted by JY over the next few years! Long travelling days don't bother me one bit, whether it is JY or TS I know there would be lots of "comfort stops" and other stops at places of interest. I love looking out of the window of the coach and it sounds like the landscape is interesting enough!

Dave, many thanks for your comments regarding the Amazon - that is very much what I expected. We saw so much wildlife on the Costa Rica tour and what you've described sounds similar. I'd really only be doing it to say "I've been on the Amazon!" and I don't think it would be worth it. For anyone who has never been in a rainforest, however, I am sure it would be a memorable experience despite the scary insects!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
WOW great review Dave, made for very good reading, glad you had a great time by the sounds of it.

thanks for posting..


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

did you have a nice time in USA, New York etc


'Dina' wrote:

HIya Dave

Can't believe how quickly you have posted this wonderful review! Well done, it's spot on.

Now you have done it I will add my comments.

This TS tour is 4 days longer than the JY tour, but after paying the single room supplement I only paid approx. £100 more than I would have done for the JY tour. Great value. In this instance travelling with TS was fine because four or five of the 8 solo travellers got on really well and we hung around together. The other solo travellers were quite happy being alone and none of us would have had a problem eating by ourselves in the hotels in the evenings:it was basically a Bed and Brekky trip although we did have some welcome included lunches and picnics. Condor Travel, who I assume are the TS agents provided a couple of the best picnics I have ever had whilst on a tour.

Julia, Dave and I did promote JY to the solo travellers who had never heard of JY

Dave and I spoke to Rosario about doing a review for this site.She said to make it clear that the 4 extra days that TS do entail really long travelling days.As far as we were concerned that was fine, but to be fair, gosh,

how much desert in Peru . I was amazed.. The Ballestas Islands which Dave has written about are incredible. Can't believe how many pelicans, sealions! Nazca Lines also on this extended part of the holiday were also worth seeing especially if you believe in extraterrestials lol.

As for altitude we did on a couple of days travel in excess of 16,000ft pver the high altiplano. This did cause some altitude sickness which was soon remedied by a whiff of oxygen. Rosario could even identify the dfferent levels of altitude sickness.

There were also a few people with tummy bugs, but I am a drama queen and collapsed at the top of Macchu Picchu and was transported down by stretcher. Unfortunately as I was unconscious I didn't see the hunky Peruvians who brought me down. Well, they had to be hunky to carry me. No comments on that thanks Dave and I am so glad you refrained from taking a photo of me on a stretcher. Am sure you would have been in the doghouse with Pat had you done so.

At the base of the mountain I was put on a drip of antibiotics for a tummy infection and then returned to the hotel with the group.

I can't say how good Rosario was with all the people who were ill including myself. She was so busy all the time, perhaps a group of 38 was a little too large for this holiday. Rosario outshone all the excellent TMS I have ever encountered with either JY or TS. She deserves a medal, so cheerful and entertaing all the time,too.

The highlights of my holiday were the Uros Islands with Lake Titicaca and secondly Macchu PIcchu.

I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday in impressive Peru, but without the Amazon add-on. Which I suspect Dave is now grateful I didn't do. Look forward to seeing your photos soon.

alas, Ladies take a suitcase only half full to Peru, It is a shopper's paradise.


Di! :thumbup:

I was wondering what date you were going to Peru. The whole experience sounds amazing! Mountains were a bit higher than Slovenia yeah? 😃

Brilliant review Dave!! Thank you so much. :thumbup:

Poor Di having to be stretchered off Machu Pichu. And here was me thinking she was mega fit after being miles in front of me yomping round Lake Bled. 😃

Angie S

We were away from the hotel at 6.30am to pick up the boat to go to the Ballestos Is but were warned on the way there were weather issues. We made it to the pier area and saw plenty of pelicans. The water seemed calm enough but it was very overcast. Our guide said something about a hurricane up in Mexico affecting Peru's weather!??

Any way about 9.30am they made the decision we would not get. They took us to a vineyard where they make Pisco. Not really my thing but we did get to sample 5 different types so that put everyone in good fettle after our earlier disappointment. It was here we saw the Peru sun for the first time! That also helped. We then went to a museum in Ica then they took us to an oasis. Huge sand dunes with a lovely lagoon. That was nice. We then went to a vineyard for a lovely lunch.


I concur - the couple of packed lunches were amazing. Sorry to hear you were unwell. A few people on our trip had dodgy stomachs too. I've no idea the cause. I thought the food was good. They do say the altitude can affect your ability to digest - thus eating light meals. For the first time I used a travel digestion aid. Perhaps that helped. Tho from what you say what happened to you sounds more serious.

With meals generally not included, our guide quite often went to restaurants and people were welcome to join her. I too meet three lovely chaps (you know who you are) and ate with them the second half of the hol.

Loved the free Wi-Fi in all the hotels I must add. My family and friends were able to follow me on my journey.


  • (Member)
Hi Elaine

So much for trying to get fit at lake Bled, it obviously didn't work.

Understand you had a fall too in Spain. Hope you are now recovered.

I wouldn't be very good anywhere there is high humidty either.

This may sound silly but I was so nervous of falling I actually put the cotton bath mats in the shower to stand on so I didn't slip. We were given this tip a few years ago when we went to Italy.. Next holiday?


Thinlk I might have to stay in Cov for my hol next year, probably safer.

Seriously I won't be put off travelling .


Pity you, Dave and I weren't on same Peru trip

It was unfortunate that you didn't get to the Balletas Islands but it sounds as if you had a good second option.

We too went to the Oasis, so beautiful, but only time there to buy an ice cream.

I started taking Bimuno, digestive aid, before the hol but I wasn't too happy with it. So now have one and half packets left. If anyone is interested two soles for anyone going to Peru. lol.

Stuck to eating crystallized ginger pieces every morning, that you usually helps digestive system, too



  • (Member)
Hi folks one thing I've learned over the last few years is that whenever a group go away on a long haul tour that some of them will have an upset stomach - it's nothing to do with the quality of the food or hygiene. I've been told several times now that it's because the food contains different bacteria to what we're used to back home and some people can handle this better than others. I did a bit of research online about this and it is true. Like Angie I now take a probiotic (Boots Digestion Support Travel) whenever I go away and I haven't had any serious stomach upsets since.



  • (Member)
'AbbaDave' wrote:

Hi Cindy

did you have a nice time in USA, New York etc



yes I did. I have put a lengthy LOL review up..
