(Member) (Topic Starter)
My first Just You holiday-dived off deep end and plunged for Australia - No regrets. My initial perceptions of a Just You holiday catering for the independent traveller but with the "comfort blanket" of a group were dispelled as I found the excursions available removed the time consuming problems of aranging my own travel itineraries. Also as a single traveller, my experiences were enriched by being with likeminded companions, many of whom have become friends. The whole adventure was well organised, not least due to our wonderful tour manager,Sarah, who worked tirelessly for the whole trip, ensuring we got the most out of the trip. We only saw the "tip of the iceberg" from Sarah, as her behind the scenes work must have been tremendous to make everything go so smoothly, especially after unexpected travel problems at the start of the holiday. Australia rerally was amazing; we travelled west to east and north to south with all the excursions allowing a taster of the many sights and sounds Australia can offer - feeding wallabies, cuddling koalas, wrestling with crocs (OK, made that one up!!!) and many other fantastic experiences. Sarah's knowledge of Oz. certainly helped us to appreciate this vast country as did local guides. Accommodation was excellent (apart from one hotel) and travel arrangements at such civilised times. A really brilliant holiday.
  • (Member)
I am glad you had a great time on your very first JY tour, I am sure there will be many more. Of all the countries I have visited I must say OZ has my heart, I loved Ayres rock for me that was a highlight. Because you travel with people who have an interest in the same holiday, people become friends very quickly.

So what do you have your eye on next? Happy and safe travels


'pendlewitch' wrote:

My first Just You holiday-dived off deep end and plunged for Australia - No regrets. My initial perceptions of a Just You holiday catering for the independent traveller but with the "comfort blanket" of a group were dispelled as I found the excursions available removed the time consuming problems of aranging my own travel itineraries. Also as a single traveller, my experiences were enriched by being with likeminded companions, many of whom have become friends. The whole adventure was well organised, not least due to our wonderful tour manager,Sarah, who worked tirelessly for the whole trip, ensuring we got the most out of the trip. We only saw the "tip of the iceberg" from Sarah, as her behind the scenes work must have been tremendous to make everything go so smoothly, especially after unexpected travel problems at the start of the holiday. Australia rerally was amazing; we travelled west to east and north to south with all the excursions allowing a taster of the many sights and sounds Australia can offer - feeding wallabies, cuddling koalas, wrestling with crocs (OK, made that one up!!!) and many other fantastic experiences. Sarah's knowledge of Oz. certainly helped us to appreciate this vast country as did local guides. Accommodation was excellent (apart from one hotel) and travel arrangements at such civilised times. A really brilliant holiday.

Hi Pendlewitch,

Liked your report on your Australian experience. Amazing holiday isn't it! I did it in 2012, an experience to remember for a lifetime.

I continued to New Zealand afterwards and that is some experience to do.


glad you enjoyed OZ I loved it there am still looking at all the pics and far too many mind can never take too many I suppose

my favourite three days of the trip were

1 Kuranda Skyrail

2 Blue Mountains

3 Great Barrier Reef

and my three favourite evenings were

1 Sounds of the Silence Ayers Rock

2 Tramcar Melbourne

3 night out with some friends in Perth just edging our group Canberra session

my three favourite cities

1 Sydney

2 Cairns

3 Perth

others may have different days for different reasons

be interesting to hear which hotel you didn't enjoy the most, the only one I didn't enjoy that much was the Canberra one, what a muddily higgledy piggeldy place that was but only there one night and didn't think much of Canberra at all

