  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Aware that some of you are travelling to Costa RIca in the near future I thought that you may like to view this verse which was created by a fellow traveller last September. It is a great memory of our trip and one which I am sure will whet your appetite further.


Expectations high, we followed our dream

Seeking fabulous creatures far away.

We were richly rewarded in that magical land,

With memories for many a day.

Along rivers, through forests, we travelled in awe

Where those wonderful creatures abound.

Birds, insects, butterflies, their colours ablaze

We relished every sight, every sound.

The endearing sloth on his weekly crusade,

The green, black, and red of the frogs.

Monkeys, agoutis, toucans and crabs,

The crocodiles, great fossilised logs.

With the turtles we were spellbound, our senses reeling

As they courageously toiled through the night.

The return to the sea we will never forget,

The most heartwarming, wondrous sight!

Stick insects, centipedes, tarantulas too,

Humming birds, iridescent, fanned the air.

The lone armadillo, foraging at night,

All invoking a pleasure so rare.

The iguanas, so majestic, they postured like kings,

The howlers eerie wake up call,

The tropical storms that shredded our nerves,

And the geckos patrolling the wall.

Our senses heightened, experiences shared,

Imperial flowed, friendships were made.

The people, friendly, waved as we passed,

Independence Day.....a joyous parade.

The ongoing "bus saga" didn't dampen our spirits,

A few upsets, but these were quite rare.

All in all an incredible trip,

An absolute treasure to share!

Wishing you all a fantastic trip.


  • (Member)
Hi Janet,

What a fantastic poem and thanks to you and whoever wrote it! A lovely idea to share it with us; I'm hopefully doing this tour, leaving next week. It has really whetted my appetite and Costa Rica does indeed seem to be a magical country! Hopefully the "bus saga" wasn't too much of an ordeal (I can only imagine!) and I don't think we'll get to see tropical storms or turtle laying but still I am sure that many incredible sights await us!

Thanks again and best wishes,
