  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi guys! This tour is exactly as described BUT the hotel is about an hour's drive from central Paris and not easy to travel from independently. A great deal of the time is spent on the coach and the leader, Rebecca discouraged anyone who wanted to walk the steps to the lower platform at the Eiffel Tower, or take a river trip [for example] on the two 2/3 hours we were let loose in Paris. We drove around the see Paris three times altogether with short 10 mins type photo stops; since almost everything was shut or needed pre- booking visit possibilities were very limited. New Years' Eve was a low point. Ordinary buffet meal far to early at 7.30 followed by a 31/2 hour hiatus with a small group of us ; about six out of 46 on the tour trying to dance on a tiny dance floor adjacent to the dining area with a disinterested disc jockey who would not play anything he had not pre-loaded and had no idea of his audience. Rebecca refused to have the midnight champagne served in the dining room so we crammed against the bar and wished HNY to those within reach. Disco then went on until about 2.30 and I was in a room above. say no more...........Best experience was the NY day dinner in Paris ; had atmosphere but was a Ā£75 supplement.
  • (Member)
Hi Silversue,

Iā€™m really sorry that there were low points on your Just You trip. We want all our travellers to have a wonderful holiday experience, so we are extremely concerned when this is not the case.

We do listen to all feedback from our customers and I have spoken to my colleague in our customer services team who I understand will be writing to you directly to address your post here.

Kindest regards


Julie L
Dear silver sue, sorry to year Paris was a flop, for the new year not what you need, I know how it feels as I went to Cheltenham in 2012 and this happened to me, but not this year went to Hinckley and had the best new year I've had in a long time, fantastic crowd. Not bragging just saying as it was, x Julie L
I'm glad Silver Sue has given this feedback as I too was on this trip, my first with Just You. It could have been so much better!

Being so far from Paris was hugely disappointing - too far from Paris to go for a wander round and find the nooks and crannies that make a trip fun and interesting.

The first day, taken up with a day trip to a terminally boring mini-but not Versailles mansion-made me wish I had stayed at home and watched Downton reruns. A feeling that just got stronger and stronger throughout the evening where the New Year's Eve 'dinner' was an acceptable buffet which ho-hum you queued up for šŸ˜ž . The options were then to either wait to dance round your handbag in the gap between the restaurant and the bar, or head off upstairs trying to work out what you say to friends who think your New Year in Paris sounds a fantastic and vibrant experience.

The second (and last) full day was in the coach round Paris for jumpy on, jumpy off photo opportunities and a lunch break followed by 'that trek' back to the hotel for a swift turn around, another trek for early dinner and another jumpy on jumpy off jolly on the coach round Paris to take pictures with lights.

The last morning was another drive round Paris to snap pics of all the places you didn't get into, before a reasonably decent time to wander round and get a feel of Paris. Too little too late.

Overall, extremely disappointing šŸ˜ž

  • (Member)

I have to agree with the points above and it was only when I recieved the final information I realised the hotel was about an hour out of Paris, depending on routes and traffic of course. The other side of the coin is that central Paris may have been rather expensive but then perhaps we wouldn't have needed the coach so much?

I did not expect 2 evening buffet meals in the hotel, however, the 2 choices on the hot buffet food did not appeal to me either so I ended up having 2 plates of starters each evening.

I felt I got to know the hotel and coach better than I did Paris unfortunately. We were told the hotel was busy with other tour groups so I thought NYE would have been good fun with a party atmosphere and more people to engage with. I was disappointed to realise we were the only group dining that evening and there was no party atmosphere or special effort made apart from the ad-hoc disco.

Enjoyed the optional evening tour but felt it was over-priced for what was basically a tourist menu in a function room but did have a bit of atmosphere.

Having said all of that I have travelled with JY before and have had a really really good time!

  • (Member)
Mrsp and suespr,

If you can send me your booking reference numbers, I can pass on your details to our Customer Care Team,

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Thank you very much. My reference no. is A******.