  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I often ask members of the community to share their Just You travel experiences with fellow members and over the past few weeks I toyed with whether or not I should submit my own review. On one hand, my review could be seen as being favourable towards the company I work for, on the other, this was my holiday and like every other traveller I had my own expectations on what I hoped it would be like. In the end I decided that I could hardly encourage others to submit a review, without writing one of my own. So here it is – my Just You holiday to Croatia’s Istrian Coast.

After a short flight to Croatia we were met at the airport by Vlatka, our dedicated Tour Manager for the week, greeting us with an itinerary, our hotel room numbers and most of all a welcoming smile. Our transfer to the hotel took about an hour and a half and as we tried to listen to details of the itinerary, it was difficult to concentrate as we journeyed though the stunning Croatian landscape.

Once we arrived at the hotel we enjoyed a drink while we exchanged passports for room keys and arranged to meet in the bar later that evening for our first meal. After quickly unpacking I took the opportunity to make the short walk along the promenade to Rabac. The hotel is about a 15-minute gentle stroll from, what would be in high season, the hustle and bustle of this resort town.

On day two we had the morning at leisure and there was plenty of time to take a walk to the other side of the resort, enjoy a coffee in a bar overlooking the harbour and have a bite to eat before the group came together for an optional trip to Labin. Labin is a medieval hilltop town and the old streets with their beautiful architecture and Italian influences are a joy to explore. TOP TIP - Take a 2-minute walk out of the town for the picture-postcard views of the town on the hill.

Day three was our included Istrian Discovery trip which took us to Pula, Rovinj and Porec. Our walking tour of Pula was slightly marred by the weather but the amphitheatre, “golden gate” and Temple of Augustus are impressive sights nonetheless. We left Pula behind us and headed to Rovinj – this is perhaps one of the prettiest towns on the Istrian coast and as the sun came out for us, its beauty was only enhanced. Time in this town is at leisure but Vlatka guided a group of us up to the church of Euphemia which sits at the highest point of the town and offers incredible views of the old town and the coast. The last town of the day was Porec, a small town with venetian- influenced architecture. Many of the group visited the UNESCO listed site of Basilica of Euphrasius (entrance fee not included) where visitors are able to see the striking mosaics. The apse decorated with gold and mother of pearl depicting Christ with the apostles is incredible. Our return to the hotel included a stop off for wine-tasting accompanied by bread, cheese, ham and a shot of grappa to start with.

On day four we joined an optional trip to Slovenia. I’m not a horsey person but wanted to see the caves. After a drive across the border into Slovenia and through the wonderful countryside we arrived at the Lipica Stud Farm where the Lipizzaner horses are bred and trained. We had a brief tour of the museum and stables before heading into the training arena to see a few of the horses go through their daily routine – they are truly beautiful and graceful creatures. From here we headed to the Postojna Caves where we had a stop for lunch then took a short train ride into the caves. A guide takes you through the White Hall, Red Hall and Spaghetti Hall, named for the way the stalactites are formed before ending up in the Concert Hall – we were told that it was named due to its amazing acoustics. A couple of us wanted to try this out but quickly discovered that to try this, you needed to be able to hold a tune and it was apparent that we were tone deaf. What made this trip truly incredible for me was seeing what unique structures nature can create without human intervention.

We took to the seas on day five for our Island cruise and BBQ. We boarded the boat, raised a shot of grappa and headed to the nearby island of Cres. Our first stop of the day was Valun. A small isolated village where some of the group took the opportunity to take a swim in the Adriatic (some of us only braved dipping our feet) while others enjoyed a leisurely coffee and watched the world go by. Some 45 minutes later we were summoned back to the ship for the BBQ while we sailed to the harbour town of Cres. After a short orientation walk we were left to explore the pretty town at leisure and take the opportunity to indulge in an ice-cream. When back on the boat there was time enjoy a chat with my fellow sailors as we headed back to the mainland.

It was a very early start on day six as we had a four-hour journey to the Plitvice Lakes. This was the one excursion that I simply did not want to miss. I know many people are put off by the transfer time but to me the scenery was breath-taking and worth every minute of the coach trip – a feeling that was held by the majority who took this excursion. We started with a walk around the upper lakes seeing the beautiful waterfalls cascade into the calm lakes. As we visited in autumn, the leaves on the trees were changing to fabulous shades of reds and golds that could easily rival New England. Once round the upper lakes we took a 15-minute boat ride to the lower lakes where the sun highlights the clear turquoise waters – our trail took us to see the incredible Veliki slap – at 78m this is the highest waterfall in the park and our walk offered a number of opportunities to take those all-important photos. The return journey to Rabac provided ample opportunity to reflect of the beauty of this National Park.

Our final full day presented us with an optional half-day trip to Opatija. This resort town possesses a unique air of grandeur with its waterfront lined with impressive 19th century hotels. We enjoyed a guided walk along the promenade before enjoying some time at leisure to explore further, relax and enjoy a slice of Chestnut cake.

The afternoon was again at leisure – some headed back to their rooms to pack, some to the bar, and others strolled into Rabac. Along with a couple of others I went and checked out the pool and wellness centre. It was difficult to swim lengths in the circular pool but the hot tub was inviting and the perfect way to finish the holiday.

Croatia has always been a place I wanted to visit – did it live up to my expectations? More that I could have imagined! My fellow travellers were great and I can only thank Vlatka for not only sharing with us her knowledge of the country, but also going above and beyond the call of duty to make a fantastic holiday absolutely outstanding.

So what now? Well I’ve got itchy feet and I’ve already turned down the corners on a few pages of the new brochure.


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

Many thanks for your brilliant review, very well written and it makes me want to go to Croatia sooner rather than later! I've my eye on the TS Croatia/Montenegro/Albania tour for 2015 but that could all change between now and then!



  • (Member)
Great review Julia - and no, I do not think it praises JY at all. It is a statement of what happened. I had never even thought of going there, but now I think I just might. I have seen the Lippizaner horses display in Vienna, and agree they are the most graceful animals.


  • (Member)
Very many thanks for this comprehensive review, Julia. I'd already turned down the corner of the page for this holiday and, though I am booked to go to Calabria in May, if the pennies will stretch to it I hope to follow in your footsteps next autumn.


  • (Member)
Good review and sounds like a really good tour..... Nice to see that like others you have come home and are looking at where to go to next!!! Happy travels


  • (Member)
'AnnF' wrote:

Very many thanks for this comprehensive review, Julia. I'd already turned down the corner of the page for this holiday and, though I am booked to go to Calabria in May, if the pennies will stretch to it I hope to follow in your footsteps next autumn.


Hi Ann

I hope you enjoy Calabria as much as I did - any questions you only have to ask and if I can help I will.


Great review Julia. I concur totally. I have now had 3 holidays in Rabac and the JY one was by far the best.