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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, could anyone who has been to Sicily post a review? I am going there next year and would like a bit of feedback.


I went on the Sicily trip in May of this year and really enjoyed the holiday. We stayed in several hotels, the longest at one place was i think 3 nights. The days were long, often on the coach at 8.30 - 9 am and not getting to the next destination much before the evening meal with great distances to cover, calling at places along the way. The holiday gave a good general look at Sicily and I went on all the extra excursions. Its a facinating place if you like ancient ruins and history. My favourite was the Palermo day when we went to the cathedral at Monreale and the Paletine chapel, both with marvelous gold mosaics. Our guide recommended we went on all the trips with good footwear on since we were walking over ancient ruins etc. I had lightweight walking boots on but others seemed to manage in sandals, but certainly if you went on the Etna trip you need good footwear - we walked through snow at one point. The Etna trip incures an extra charge to that paid to Just You if you go on the jeep and cablecar to the top and I think it was something like 50 euros or thereabouts. The only chance to do much shopping was in Taormina at the end of the holiday, but there was a full day there if you got the local bus home that stopped very near the hotel, and also things to see there if you are not a shopper! Have a good trip!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks that was great!
Gosh no reviews on Sicily since December 2012. Am just wondering how far is the walk up Mt Etna. Is it true you hire boots to go up, haha I understood the bit about crampons and ropes (said with very straight face) was a joke, but surely if there is jeep and cablecar to near top then it can't be very many miles, I do understand that is uphill. Wot you done with me smilies!
I did Discover Sicily last September, Etna is a 2 hour bus trip from the hotel to an amazing " village" with shops and cafes where you get the cable car, then before the 4x4 you can hire a coat and boots, at the top is the crater, when we went we could not go to the edge of the crater as there had been an eruption about a week before which closed the airport at Catania, but it was still a great experience, on the way back on a different route we stopped to see a house ruined by volcanic ash. I think it is one of the best excursions I have been on.

Here is a web site, to give you a taste of Etna.


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