  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi as promised here is a summary of my experiences of this wonderful holiday with Travelsphere as a single traveller. Why did I choose this holiday when I could have gone with JY to Argentina and Brazil? Well I really wanted to see something of Chile, drive over the Andes and visit the vineyards of Mendoza. So I took the plunge and booked with Travelsphere as a single traveller. Some months later I mentioned to a friend whom I had met on a JY hol to South Africa last year that I had booked this hol and she decided to come too, also as a single traveller! So strictly speaking I wasn't on my own, but still I hope my experiences will help others to consider going with Travelsphere by themselves.

First of all the holiday was fantastic and I am very glad I did the Travelsphere version. The scenery in Chile was beautiful and although the cities we visited were not very exciting, it was good to see a little of the country. The drive over the Andes was stunning (despite a delay at the beginning of the pass due to ice) and Mendoza in Argentina is beautiful. The wine tastings there were great fun! Buenos Aires is a grand city; it was wonderful to see La Boca, the brightly coloured area where the tango originated and we went to the city's top tango show which was great entertainment. We visited the Tigre delta by boat (nice scenery and very relaxing) and had a great day at the Santa Susana ranch, with a bbq lunch, complementary wine and empanadas. We were treated to a short tango show and the gauchos showed off their horsemanship skills. Onto the Iguazu Falls, which exceeded all expectations! They are truly stunning, dwarfing both Victoria and Niagara. We had a full day on the Argentinian side, before heading to the Brazilian side the next morning. We finished up with two days in Rio, an iconic city in a stunning location, surrounded by lush green mountains, sandy beaches and pretty islands. We saw all the sights - Corcovado (the statue of Christ), Sugar Loaf mountain and Copacabana beach, as well as an extra tour of some favelas (shantytowns) - all well worth it, with stunning views everywhere. All in all, a wonderful holiday seeing so many world famous sights, it was fantastic.

So from a single traveller perspective, what did I think of it? As I said earlier, I did travel with another friend but I did try to imagine throughout what it would have been like to go by myself. The group was small, only 14 and the tour manager (Julia) said this was unusual as the groups generally are up to 40. The group consisted of four couples ranging in age from 30-late 60s, two male friends and two female friends as well as myself and my friend. So not many cosy couples! In fact the couples were very friendly and we ate with two of them on numerous occasions throughout the holiday. I asked them to be honest, if I was by myself would they be as happy to eat with me and they reassured me that they would (and I do think they were being honest!). Myself and my friend exchanged email details with the two couples at the end of the tour and I think we will be keeping in contact.

I asked Julia (who has been with Travelsphere for nearly 20 years and rarely does JY) what the score was with single travellers and she said that occasionally there are none, sometimes just the one and regularly there are a few. However, she said that this is really not a problem, even if there is only one as they do get integrated into the group - people will often ask anyone on their own to join them for dinner etc and she said don't be afraid to ask either! The couples we spent most time with said they enjoyed meeting new people on holiday and certainly didn't want to spend every mealtime just by themselves! Breakfasts were shared together, as were included lunches and dinners naturally enough. On those occasions where we were free to find our own place to eat, I'd say on more than half the occasions myself and my travelling companion made arrangements with another couple to go off somewhere together. If it had just been me, I would have had no reservations about asking either couple to join them for a meal as they were so welcoming and friendly.

So in conclusion, I'd be happy to go on a Travelsphere holiday by myself if it were to a location not offered by JY and it was somewhere I'd really like to visit. It would be easier to mix on a holiday where at least some of the meals were included. For example, the one Travelsphere hol I have my eye on to do in a couple of years is Costa Rica and Nicaragua. It sounds a spectacular holiday and it would be easier to integrate as all breakfasts are included, and four lunches and two dinners. This doesn't include any optional excursions which would also include some meals. It might be more difficult on a holiday where no meals are included, but once again if it were a holiday I really wanted to do, I wouldn't let this stop me. All you have to do is ask a couple or other single travellers/groups of friends to join them and given the friendly nature of the people I met on this holiday, I am positive that this wouldn't be a problem! I do hope that this testamonial is helpful.

Best wishes,


Bob, many many thanks for this report. The holiday sounds fantastic - I was blown away by Vic Falls so now I'm even more keen to see Iguazu!

The Travelsphere experience sounds as though it was good as well, and as you say, it opens up a much wider range of options for destinations and times.

Off to order their brochure now!


  • (Member)

Thank you for your holiday report, sounds like you had a good time and I do think it's reasurring to know that we as a single traveller do have the choice, and it's nice to know that we would not end up billy no mates at the end of the day or at meal times.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Rosie and Cindy, sounds like my testamonial has served its purpose then so! JY would be my first choice for sure (and there were no welcome drinks or farewell dinner that are standard on any JY hol) but it certainly encouraged me to book with Travelsphere again as a single traveller if the holiday was one I really wanted to do.



  • (Member)

I've asked a few questions about Travelsphere on the forum, and am looking at a couple of their holidays as possibilities.

You clearly had a good time, and a great experience. Thanks for such a detailed and honest summery of your trip, and for taking the time to post your review. Much appreciated.


  • (Member)
Thank you Bob for your report. One of the places I want to visit in the future is Burma and I know this holiday is offered by Travelshpere. Your testimony has put my mind at rest and I will not hesitate to go with Travelsphere if there was a holiday I really wanted to go on and was only offered by them and not Just You.

Glad you had a great time.


  • (Member)

Thanks for the testimony of this holiday, it's jump up in my list of trips to do.

I used Travelsphere for the Israel holiday and found them just as good and wouldn't have any problems using them again


  • (Member)

I went to Burma with Travelsphere in November. There were 9 solo travellers so always someone to be with .Many meals were included too so I never ate alone.The couples were all very friendly too.

I always ring travelsphere and ask if there are any other solo travellers before I book. It certainly gives you an option of other destinations not covered by JY

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Nelson, that's a good idea - I think I'd do the same if booking another Travelsphere holiday as I'd prefer not to be the only solo traveller. That was a big number on the Burma tour, I suppose because it's a new and therefore popular destination. I'd like to do it one day, the temples at Bagan must have been amazing!

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi folks, I've noticed a number of people commenting on possibly going on this tour so I thought I'd put a new comment up on this thread to bring it back up to the top of the Reviews list! This is a fantastic tour, a trip of a lifetime! It is expensive, but well worth it and I'm delighted that JY are now doing it as well as Travelsphere. If you can afford to go, please do, I'm sure you won't regret it! Travelling over the Andes and see the Iguazu Falls up close will stay with me forever.

Happy New Year,


Hi Bob,

Another great review on this South American holiday. Under another thread Dave's holiday review was helpful also for this destination. I am considering this tour but it is now number 3 on my list of holidays to do. so it's looking like it will be 2016 before I can do this tour.

Happy new year to yo also Bob.


  • (Member)
Hi all,

Seriously looking to book for 2015 to incorporate the Rio Carnival!

Is anyone else considering this trip? Would be travelling as a singleto

  • (Member)
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else has booked or considering this trip as newbie here contemplating going as a single traveller?



Many thanks Bob. And thanks for the link.