  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone at JY. I did the Vietnam tour in April 2011 and very much meant to write a review of it sooner. Better late than never and hope it helps people thinking of booking it and for a start I would say -DO!!! It was the best trip I've done so far with JY (and it was my 5th) - Vietnam is a truely beautiful and amazing country and the JY tour covers everything and in such a well organised fashion, it was a joy from start to finish. The Vietnamese people are absolutely lovely - so friendly and charming.

Our group met up at Heathrow in the airport lounge (tour leader was available at check in to answer any questions) ahead of the long flight - long but a good airline and comfortable. We arrived in the old capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, the next day and met our local guide - we had 3 guides for 3 sections of the tour and they were all wonderful! On the first evening, we had a welcome dinner at one of the best restaurants in Hanoi - one of the first of many delicious meals we had in Vietnam. Vietnamese food is non spicy/not hot but contains very fresh ingredients - lots of fresh veg, herbs and fish - it is a true delight. It is delicate and tasty but not overpowering. In short, it is fantastic. Hanoi was lovely - we went out in cyclos, we saw a water puppet show, we saw Ho Chi Minh's resting place. The next highlight of the tour, and it's a big one, was the overnight cruise on Halong Bay. As a group, we were divided onto 2 boats - if anyone is worried about this, don't be! The boats were sensational, lovely wooden junks, soft beds, great facilities, very safe, amazing seafood served during the cruise, beer a reasonable price! It was one of the most amazing travel experiences in my life! Nothing can compare to sailing along slowly through amazing rock formations while sipping a cool beer on the deck of a wooden ship....

From north Vietnam, you do a short internal flight to central Vietnam, to stay in Hue and Hoi Ann. Again, what delights, what amazing places. One of the highlights which almost everyone did was the optional bike ride into the countryside. Hoi Ann is on the coast of Vietnam which is spectacular. Then it was finally on to Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon for the last 3 nights. Busy city, loads to see. I recommend the optional day trip to the amazing Cu Chi tunnels. While based in Saigon, there's also an included day trip to the Mekong Delta for a boat cruise - I'm running out of adjectives here! How fantastic!

In all, this was by far the best trip I've been on - it was so well organised, great tour manager and local guides, very good standard of hotels, meals included were fab (please note though - there's a lot of sharing dishes among typically 4 people, they put a plate down to share between 4 - that's how the locals eat, and chopsticks are the norm in Vietnam altho' the restaurants will always give you a fork if you ask!!!).

I have to say, I was a bit nervous about booking the Vietnam tour - I thought 'heavens, I don't know much about Vietnam'. But I'd been to Thailand with JY and knew they would look after me - and I was not wrong! It was THE BEST trip ever. Totally amazing as a travel experience.

  • (Member)
Hi thanks for that wonderful review, it's definitely on my to-do list and after reading your experiences, it's moved up a few places!
  • (Member)
I agree with BGray comment - good review and has made me add it my list of places to go


Thank you for taking the time to write such a lucid and positive account of your visit.

It has decided me to book for next March. :thumbup:


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the feedback on my review - glad if it's been helpful! Obviously it's one of the more 'far flung' JY destinations so I know it's always useful to hear from someone who has been there! One thing I forgot to mention if you go - please be prepared for the noise and traffic of Saigon at the end of the trip, it's a typical chaotic far eastern capital city. Some people on the trip felt our central saigon hotel was rather noisy, after the calm of the coastal centre of Vietnam and the traditional (mostly bicycle!) north. Personally I found Saigon quite a buzz!!
Caroline Robb
Hi, how did you find the climate in April, I am booking for April 2012.


  • (Member)
I too intend booking this trip for either March or April 2012, having read your review! I was considering either Peru or the Silk Road to Samarkand, but your enthusiasm for this trip has convinced me that Vietnam is where I want to go this time. Thank you for taking the time to write such a comprehensive review.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Caroline. I chose April because guide books recommend April or October as the best months if you are doing the whole country, as there are huge climate variations north to south and you avoid the monsoons, cyclones and Mekong Delta flooding. April was pleasantly hot in Hanoi, a bit misty on Halong Bay, hot and dry in Hoi An (not unbearable), hottest in the south. Doing the jungle trip (optional) to the My Son temples was steamy - by far the hottest and most humid place we visited. We had no downpours (maybe lucky??) and I remember it being very comfortable climate wise being out sightseeing in the day or sitting outside in a bar or restaurant at night. Have a wonderful trip!

best wishes, Nicola

Caroline Robb
'Lois' wrote:

I too intend booking this trip for either March or April 2012, having read your review! I was considering either Peru or the Silk Road to Samarkand, but your enthusiasm for this trip has convinced me that Vietnam is where I want to go this time. Thank you for taking the time to write such a comprehensive review.


Hi Lois

Was just wondering if you had actually booked this trip? I've booked the April 29th tour.

Best Wishes...Caroline

  • (Member)
Hi Caroline

No, I haven't booked yet. I shall probably book the April 18th tour to Vietnam as I have an engagement the day after the 29th tour returns, and my body clock will need longer to readjust! I'll let you know if I do book for the 29th though.

Enjoy your trip! Lois

Just got back from a fabulous holiday touring all around Cuba really loved it would recommend it to everyone. It is quite tiring but well worth it, we saw the real Cuba. We had a great group of people and everyone mixed well. It was my first holiday with JY and first one alone but have already told other people to go with JY as you have great company.

I am now thinking of Vietnam and after your review will deffinately book it. I was wondering about the Cambodia add on can anyone let me know what they think.? I was thinking of September or October any thoughts?

  • (Member)
Hi worldtraveller,

the Vietnam trip is now very close to the top of my list, seeing as the good folk at JY have added the option of a Cambodia add-on! It sounds truly fantastic! I am waiting for a friend to get back to me about going to China next Sept, but if that doesn't work out I'll be hopefully doing Vietnam and the Cambodia extension next autumn, so maybe our paths might cross then!

Best wishes,


Lynn Collier
I was interested to read your review as I have always wanted to visit Vietnam but I little apprehensive to do it as a singleton on a single holiday. I have taken a holiday on my own since my husband died but have done so in a mixed group. I will seriously consider booking with JY. If you see this reply could you let me know if there was a good mix of ages as I am what I call a 'tweenie' - too old for middle age but not yet old or elderly.

'nicp' wrote:

Hi everyone at JY. I did the Vietnam tour in April 2011 and very much meant to write a review of it sooner. Better late than never and hope it helps people thinking of booking it and for a start I would say -DO!!! It was the best trip I've done so far with JY (and it was my 5th) - Vietnam is a truely beautiful and amazing country and the JY tour covers everything and in such a well organised fashion, it was a joy from start to finish. The Vietnamese people are absolutely lovely - so friendly and charming.

Our group met up at Heathrow in the airport lounge (tour leader was available at check in to answer any questions) ahead of the long flight - long but a good airline and comfortable. We arrived in the old capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, the next day and met our local guide - we had 3 guides for 3 sections of the tour and they were all wonderful! On the first evening, we had a welcome dinner at one of the best restaurants in Hanoi - one of the first of many delicious meals we had in Vietnam. Vietnamese food is non spicy/not hot but contains very fresh ingredients - lots of fresh veg, herbs and fish - it is a true delight. It is delicate and tasty but not overpowering. In short, it is fantastic. Hanoi was lovely - we went out in cyclos, we saw a water puppet show, we saw Ho Chi Minh's resting place. The next highlight of the tour, and it's a big one, was the overnight cruise on Halong Bay. As a group, we were divided onto 2 boats - if anyone is worried about this, don't be! The boats were sensational, lovely wooden junks, soft beds, great facilities, very safe, amazing seafood served during the cruise, beer a reasonable price! It was one of the most amazing travel experiences in my life! Nothing can compare to sailing along slowly through amazing rock formations while sipping a cool beer on the deck of a wooden ship....

From north Vietnam, you do a short internal flight to central Vietnam, to stay in Hue and Hoi Ann. Again, what delights, what amazing places. One of the highlights which almost everyone did was the optional bike ride into the countryside. Hoi Ann is on the coast of Vietnam which is spectacular. Then it was finally on to Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon for the last 3 nights. Busy city, loads to see. I recommend the optional day trip to the amazing Cu Chi tunnels. While based in Saigon, there's also an included day trip to the Mekong Delta for a boat cruise - I'm running out of adjectives here! How fantastic!

In all, this was by far the best trip I've been on - it was so well organised, great tour manager and local guides, very good standard of hotels, meals included were fab (please note though - there's a lot of sharing dishes among typically 4 people, they put a plate down to share between 4 - that's how the locals eat, and chopsticks are the norm in Vietnam altho' the restaurants will always give you a fork if you ask!!!).

I have to say, I was a bit nervous about booking the Vietnam tour - I thought 'heavens, I don't know much about Vietnam'. But I'd been to Thailand with JY and knew they would look after me - and I was not wrong! It was THE BEST trip ever. Totally amazing as a travel experience.

  • (Member)
Hi Lynn

I have booked this trip with the Cambodia add-on for next spring. I'm in my late fifties, which I guess is a 'tweenie'! I have been on 2 JY tours so far and, as most JY customers will tell you, ages range from 20s to 80s with the majority in their 50s and 60s. I holiday independently too, but have found JY tours great for seeing places, like Vietnam, where I wouldn't venture on my own. The tours are well organised, the tour managers look after you well and, as everyone is on their own, friendships are quickly made irrespective of age.
