Just wondering if there was any news yet about hotels for this? I rang customer services earlier, who said that hotels would be known 6 weeks before departure as per usual. Well, that’s not “usual” normally you know at booking, and that’s 22 months ago. So challenged this, the man I spoke to said it was normal for Oberammergau trips. Well it’s 10 years since the last play, so not a normal schedule for Just You! I’ve seen the play in Oberammergau twice, yes, I accept it was always last minute information for local accommodation there, but never before not known where else I would be staying during the Holiday! All I know at the moment is Innsbruck. Obviously it is different circumstances to normal resort holidays, but still, since most of the holiday is spent well away from Oberammergau, surely reservations for those hotels have now been made, as for any Just you holidays next year. Also in Oberammergau, a few weeks ago, chatting to the staff in the Passion Play Theatre museum, they recommended checking with the tour company I had booked through that the reservations definitely had been made for the play. I asked customer services, just got a general covering answer. So just wondering. Thanks.