PJane M
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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I am looking forward to the trip to Mount Kilamanjaro and the Masai Mara in October. Any tips re what I need to take please?


Hi PJaneM,


As regards things to take:-

1. luggage travels with you in your safari vehicle. They do ask you not to take hard cases as they are harder to pack in the truck. I took a holdall and most had soft cases.

2. For footwear then trainers are more than adequate. Plus something for wear off safari. During the day then comfy and casual is the order of the day. No bright colours though! Smart casual is fine for the evenings. It can be a bit chilly on early morning drives so a light fleece would be useful although you will not need this during the day!

3. It can rain so a lightweight rain coat might be useful. That said we had a vehicle with an opening/retractable roof so never actually got wet.

4. The blurb suggested a portable mosquito net.So far as I am aware no-one had one and there were nets in all the lodges.

5. Binoculars.

6. Camera & lots of memory. The animals get quite close at times so no need to worry if you do not have a big camera with lots of lenses!

7. Hat & sunscreen.

Anything more specific then do ask.


PJane M
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ian, many thanks, all very useful advice. I hadn't heard about the cases. I can use an old one! I was on the Wils Arctic Summer holiday last year and I did have a mosquito jacket - much needed there!! It's really light so may pack it in!

I love my camera so it's great to hear that the animals get quite close! I'll pack my long lens!!

It was great of you to reply!


PJane M
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for offering to answer another query. Is it right that Kenya uses the same 3 pin plugs as we do in the UK did you have charging facilities during the trip - or do I need a power pack?


'PJane M' wrote:

Thanks for offering to answer another query. Is it right that Kenya uses the same 3 pin plugs as we do in the UK did you have charging facilities during the trip - or do I need a power pack?


Hi Jane,

3 pin plugs! I can't remember!! I think they may well have done but I always travel with all options covered on the adaptor front and can't be 100% sure wat I used. However there were sockets in all the lodges & I had no problems keeping everything charged.


'PJane M' wrote:

Hi Ian, many thanks, all very useful advice. I hadn't heard about the cases. I can use an old one! I was on the Wils Arctic Summer holiday last year and I did have a mosquito jacket - much needed there!! It's really light so may pack it in!

I love my camera so it's great to hear that the animals get quite close! I'll pack my long lens!!

It was great of you to reply!


Hi Jane,

That is what the forum is for!

As you love your camera this will, hopefully, make sense! I used a camera with a cropped sensor and the main lens was a 55-200 zoom (approx 80 - 300mm in film terms). There were times I could have, arguably, used something a tad longer but it then becomes that eternal debate about usage v weight. I was at the 200 end a fair bit but did use the full focal range over the trip.  If your interest is small birds the lens did not really have enough pulling power but as my favourites were elephants and cats and that lens range worked well.

Watch out for:-

  • In Amboseli you look directly from the lodge at Mt Kilimanjaro. Herds of elephants wander past all the time and Mt K makes a great backdop,

  • In the Masai Mara take time to look away from the animals. You can get some great landscapes as well.

  • Take more memory than you think you need.

We were lucky to see all the big 5 - fingers crossed you do as well.




The only Lodge that doesn't have mosquito nets is Mountain Lodge, you don't need a net as there are no mosquitos there. You definitely need to take binoculars if you have them and don't forget your mosquito spray


PJane M
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'IanWight' wrote:

'PJane M' wrote:

Hi Ian, many thanks, all very useful advice. I hadn't heard about the cases. I can use an old one! I was on the Wils Arctic Summer holiday last year and I did have a mosquito jacket - much needed there!! It's really light so may pack it in!

I love my camera so it's great to hear that the animals get quite close! I'll pack my long lens!!

It was great of you to reply!


Hi Jane,

That is what the forum is for!

As you love your camera this will, hopefully, make sense! I used a camera with a cropped sensor and the main lens was a 55-200 zoom (approx 80 - 300mm in film terms). There were times I could have, arguably, used something a tad longer but it then becomes that eternal debate about usage v weight. I was at the 200 end a fair bit but did use the full focal range over the trip.  If your interest is small birds the lens did not really have enough pulling power but as my favourites were elephants and cats and that lens range worked well.

Watch out for:-

  • In Amboseli you look directly from the lodge at Mt Kilimanjaro. Herds of elephants wander past all the time and Mt K makes a great backdop,

  • In the Masai Mara take time to look away from the animals. You can get some great landscapes as well.

  • Take more memory than you think you need.

We were lucky to see all the big 5 - fingers crossed you do as well.



PJane M
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'IanWight' wrote:

'PJane M' wrote:

Thanks for offering to answer another query. Is it right that Kenya uses the same 3 pin plugs as we do in the UK did you have charging facilities during the trip - or do I need a power pack?


Hi Jane,

3 pin plugs! I can't remember!! I think they may well have done but I always travel with all options covered on the adaptor front and can't be 100% sure wat I used. However there were sockets in all the lodges & I had no problems keeping everything charged.


Many thanks both

Looking forward to it. Will take my long lens and lots of mosquito spray!
