  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vickie

I would appreciate confirmation of the vehicles used in Etosha National Park in the Namibia trips please.

On the Just You site it advises that game drives are in a “specially designed open safari vehicle”.

On the Travelsphere site it advises “your air-conditioned touring bus”.

Is there a difference in the vehicles used by JY/Travelsphere in Etosha?  

Can you please confirm as to whether the vehicle being used in the October JY Namibia trip is definitely open sided as per the pictures on your website in tour gallery? 



Hi Janet,

Yes, we use different vehicles on our JY and Travelsphere tours as you've detailed.

The Just You vehicles are open-sided as per the pictures on the website.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for confirmation Vickie

I repeated my question earlier today as thought this may have fallen down a hole so please ignore that one when you come across it.

Thanks again


  • (Member)
Hello Janet,

I did this tour last August and it was wonderful.

In answer to your question, for the first day and a half in Etosha (day 9 and 10) you will use 4x4 open sided safari vehicles as described in the brochure. On day 11, when you head eastwards through Etosha NP to the Mokuti Lodge, you will travel in the coach. You stay at the lovely Mokuti Lodge for one night on day 11 before returning to Windhoek on day 12.

I hope that explains the transport arrangements for this part of the tour. Enjoy!


  • (Member)
Hi Janet

Even when you are heading eastwards in the coach, you are bound to see many animals - some quite close up. Obviously with wildlife it is pot luck and you never know what you are going to see. This adds to the excitement! Have a great time.

Kind regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike and Jays

Thanks very much for the additional info re transport and sightseeing.

My original question was due to the fact that I had specifically booked this tour with JY due to the fact they advertised the open trucks in Etosha and I wanted to be sure this was still the case. Am so glad they are.

Namibia has been on my hit list for a long time and I am so looking forward to seeing the amazing scenery along with, hopefully, lots of wildlife


  • (Member)
Hi Janet

I am sure you will see a lot of wildlife. You see so many springboks along the road whilst travelling. We also saw baboons and mountain zebras. The scenery is lovely and the dunes are really gorgeous. Have a lovely time and do write a review so we know how you got on.

Best wishes


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