  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I see on your facebook page a post 2 hours ago. If you book a festive holiday between 11th April and 13th May a hamper would be given. I booked the Malta trip at Christmas - will I be getting a hamper? 



Hi Anna,

Yep if you booked within this time we will be sending you a hamper once your holiday is paid in full 🙂 

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
Hi Vickie,

I don't seem to be able to find any mention of these hampers on this website. Not everybody uses Facebook - I have personally been hacked twice through FB! Perhaps you could point me in the right direction.

Thank you.



Hi Hils,

Apologies, we have information about the hamper on our Essential Information page on the website, but here it is:

Book a Just You Festive Holiday between 11th April and 13th May 2019 from the Just You April 2019 Festive Brochure and receive a Virginia Hayward Hamper. Offer only available to customers over 18. Delivery must be to UK mainland address and offer limited to one Virginia Hayward hamper per household. This offer is non-transferable and no cash alternative can be supplied. This offer is subject to availability and can be removed at any time. The hamper will be shipped to qualifying customers once the balance for the holiday has been paid. Contents and style of the hamper may vary.

Many thanks,


  • (Member)

I think it would be nice if such information was included in the Festive Brochure itself as I personally do not use the website or Facebook and I am sure there must be plenty other Just You customers who do not.



Hi Jaya,

It was included in the letter that was sent out with the brochure as well, so hopefully customers who don't use Facebook or the web will have seen it 🙂

Many thanks,


Hello Vickie/Jamie

I received my hamper this morning and pleasantly surprised.  Thanks very much JY.



Hi Vickie

I booked Christmas & New Year in Georgia & Armenia on the 1st May, I was then informed later

in May, after the 13th, by JY in telling me the dates of this holiday had been changed, as the date change was not

convenient for me I rebooked for Christmas on the Algarve & New Year in Andalucía.

I have not yet received the hamper, as my original booking was within the dates I think I still qualify

for the hamper.

Could you look in to this please Vickie.

Thank you


Hi Dave,

Apologies for the late reply. Your order was placed at the end of last week, so it will be with you very shortly 🙂

Many thanks,


Thank you Vickie, much appreciated.


Hi Vicky,

I booked the Antarctica White Christmas holiday during the required period and was advised that I qualified for a hamper. I have paid my balance last month and will be going on 12th December but have not received my hamper yet. Just want to check when it will be despatched/delivered as I don't want it arriving while I am away.

Can you look into this for me please?

Thank you.


Hi Vickie,

Hamper arrived today, with lots of lovely goodies,

thank you.


Hi Sue,

Your hamper is due to be delivered this week 🙂

Many thanks,


Hello all 

Received hamper yesterday 


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Your hamper is due to be delivered this week 🙂

Many thanks,


Thank you Vicky,

Look forward to receiving it.


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Your hamper is due to be delivered this week 🙂

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie,

I still haven't received my hamper. As I go on the Antarctica trip on Thursday, I don't want it arriving while I am away. Please can you look into this but do not send it until January.

Thank you.

Sue B

Hi Sue,

Apologies for the delay. So unfortunately I was given the incorrect information when you last asked about your hamper.

Our records show that it was actually delivered and signed for on October 25th.

I will email you with the copy of the delivery note to see if you have any idea as to what has happened, but don't worry, we will get to the bottom of it and we can send another hamper.



  • (Member)
I wish offers weren't linked to when a booking is made. Linked to the holiday that was booked yes, but based on when you booked, no. So there's passengers on the same holiday, paying the same money, some getting a hamper and others not, just because they booked at the wrong time - in my case, booking a year ahead of when the offer was made available (booked Antarctica in Mar 2018).


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Apologies for the delay. So unfortunately I was given the incorrect information when you last asked about your hamper.

Our records show that it was actually delivered and signed for on October 25th.

I will email you with the copy of the delivery note to see if you have any idea as to what has happened, but don't worry, we will get to the bottom of it and we can send another hamper.



Hi Vickie,

Thanks for following this up.

I was away on the Just You Land of Smiles - Thailand holiday on 25th October - returned home on 26th.

Usually when a Courier leaves a parcel they put a card through the door saying where it has been left. There was no card and my neighbours don't know anything about it.

The signature on the delivery note you have sent appears to be just a squiggle rather than a signature.

If you are able to send another, I'd be very grateful but please don't send it until I am back from the Antarctica trip.

Many thanks.


Hi Sue,

That's no problem, and sorry your hamper has gone missing - a bit of a mystery!

I have requested that a new hamper is sent out to you in early January, after you return from your trip.

Many thanks,
