Angie S
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is there a 2019 photo competition?
Hi Angie,  We've also just announced the February winner over on Facebook and I'll be posting on here later today.

All photos submitted will also be posted in monthly photo albums on our Facebook page, so do be sure to have a look 🙂 

Prizes are the same as last year - win a £50 voucher if your photo is picked as our monthly winner, then one lucky person will win a £200 voucher and a one-day photography course if they are picked as our Photographer of the Year.

Many thanks,


Oooops! Me typing too quickly there Rose! I have corrected - thank you! 😃



  • (Member)
Hi Vickie,

It’s now April 5th and finally we have a winner of the February 2019 wildlife category announced on FB! There’s no mention of any runners up, or indeed any publication of their photos. I fear that interest in this competition will inevitably and slowly decline unless:

a) JY release the monthly winners and runners up - together with their entries - in a much more timely manner. There were instances during last year’s competition when two months of results were announced simultaneously, with the consequence that the first of those two results was published well over two months after the category had closed!

b) The result is announced here on the community forum in the appropriate section. Not everyone is fixated by social media, least of all FB, so it seems strange that February’s result (such as it is!) should appear there before being released on the community page. I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that the forum was the main tool for customers to interface with JY, and vice-versa, so it would seem entirely reasonable to expect the monthly winner to be announced on this platform.

In addition, you posted yesterday that you would be announcing the result on the forum today. So far, it has failed to materialise! Last but by no means least, there are no categories published for 2019 beyond April (architecture), so when can we expect any additional categories to be announced?


Hi Mike,

I apologise for the delay in the post appearing on the Community, I will post it momentarily.

Regarding the winning photos, the closing date for entries is the 15th of the following month (e.g. for February, the closing date was March 15th), then the judging process has to take place and the winners informed before it is posted online. There has been a delay this time, and the aim will be to have the announcement up ASAP after the closing date - going forward this will be the case.

The reason for posting photos on Facebook is because we are able to upload the full size images with captions, which we cannot do on the forum at the moment (something we are looking into), however I am more than happy to make sure that the winner and runners up are announced on the Community first, before anywhere else.

The additional categories will be released online very soon.

I do appreciate your feedback about the Photo Competition, thank you.

Many thanks,


Angie S
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Vickie.

I was beginning to think I was imagining it. I took time submitting pics for 2 of the categories and was starting to think I was the only person to do so as nothing more has been said about it. 

Maybe this year JY could avoid quite specific categories that restrict subject matters to certain parts of the world i.e South America, India/Asia etc... as this immediately prevents people from submitting as they have not visited these areas. Categories should be quite general like the ones picked so far. 

I agree with Mike... results need to be more timely announced and it would be good to see all the submissions. I'm on FB and so far I've just seen the winner for February.

Thanks for your time Vickie in handling the competition ....just needs a little bit more attention to keep the interest there after the big spread in your mag 😃

All the best, 


  • (Member)

Could you please announce the additional categories on the Forum unless by saying online you do mean the Forum. Unfortunately I missed the February wildlife category as was busy before flying out to Ecuador and the deadline was forgotten.

Kind regards


Hi Jaya,

Of course, here are the full year of categories:

February – Wildlife

March – Celebrations/Festival

April – Architecture

May – Walking/Pathways

June – Oceans/Water

July – Adventure - a photo that captures an adventurous moment

August – Favourite photo you’ve ever taken on a tour - this can be any subject, any destination - the choice is yours!

September – Local Culture

October – Food

November – Nightscapes

December – Festive/Christmas

January – Italy



Hi Angie,

Thanks so much for taking the time to enter 🙂 I will put an album up on Facebook this week and then post a link to it on here too.

I have just posted this year's categories above, and as you can see, apart from Italy they are all more general so hopefully you will be able to enter.

Thank you for your feedback, it's much appreciated - winners will be announced swiftly from now on!

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
Thank you Vicky. Now I just have to hope that I do not forget to enter!

