  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Can you tell the total number booked on the main tour including those doing the add on in Hanoi please.  Also, can you give the age range of my fellow travellers.
Hi Sarah,

There are 17 people booked on this trip, including those doing the add on in Hanoi. There are 3 men and 14 women and their ages range from early 50s to early 90s.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Early nineties! I do hope JY has given appropriate fitness advice.
'SarahS' wrote:

Early nineties!  I do hope JY has given appropriate fitness advice.

What an ageist remark. I know people in their 90's much fitter than 50 year olds.

Hi Roger

I hope one of the ninety year olds that you know is the person going on this trip!! My mother is 92 and is certainly not fit enough to do this trip. I think Sarahs has a point about the strenuous nature of this tour and is entitled to an opinion.

Paul N

Age is just a number as far as I 'm concerned in any case surely you would have read all the details of the trip and so know what is involved and not just stick a pin in the brochure. 


I’ve been on a trip before with two 90 year olds and they were the life and soul of the party - always the last to bed and the first up in the morning.