  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I see you have another query re this Vietnam Visa & a friend of mine has also been told she needs one.

I am going on the Christmas Discover Vietnam with Cambodia add on(tour SXLVNCA) my ref A362376 & Ive been told I don't need a visa for Vietnam so I applied on line for the Cambodian one.

Reading the exemption notice of the Vietnam Embassy states it is not needed for length of stays less than 15 days. Our holiday in Vietnam is less but we travel to Cambodia & then come back to Vietnam on the flight home. This is what concerns me. Is this multiple entry or just passing through? I would like this clarified please from the Visa department.

Thank you


  • (Member)
Hi Gill,

I have spoken to our Visa team regarding this and they have advised that you do not require a visa for Vietnam for this trip. At the moment travelling to Vietnam is visa free for the first 15 days. Your return flight is via Vietnam, however, as you are not leaving the airport a visa is not necessary.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Gill,

I have spoken to our Visa team regarding this and they have advised that you do not require a visa for Vietnam for this trip. At the moment travelling to Vietnam is visa free for the first 15 days. Your return flight is via Vietnam, however, as you are not leaving the airport a visa is not necessary.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Julia

'Rose1999' wrote:

Hi Julia

Is there a change to the rules on visas for Vietnam coming into force as I've been told I need a visa to travel there next November (2017)?

Kind regards


Good Afternoon Rose,

Until 30 June 2017 ‘British Citizen’ passport holders travelling for tourism or business can enter Vietnam for up to a maximum of 15 days without a visa. If you have a different type of British nationality – for example ‘British national (overseas)’- you’ll need to get a visa before entering Vietnam.

Kind Regards,


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