  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello could you tell me if online check in is available for my flight to Moscow next Friday please. Thankyou
Good Afternoon Janney10,

Online check in isn't available- apologies.

You will have to check in at the airport and we will assign your seats for you.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Mildred

Just one question - you say that you will assign the seats for passengers travelling to Moscow. Does this mean that when we check in and find that a seat is already assigned to us, Just You has chosen the seat? Asking, as I always put in a request for an aisle seat and to date I have never been given one. On most occasions I have been able to change the seat during check-in but on some have not been able to get one. I really need an aisle seat for health reasons and to be honest flying with BA to and from South Africa on a recent trip was a nightmare. I have flown South African Airways when I went to Namibia and they are much better than BA.


Good Afternoon Jaya,

Travellers can definitely ask at check-in to be moved and subject to availability the check-in staff may be able to do it, all depends on the availability on the day.

The Duty Office does the pre seating but this can be done only 4 days before travelling, earlier than that we do not have access to the seating map. Unfortunately at that point if the flight is busy availability maybe limited.

Also if the Duty Office can fulfil the request BA may change the travelers around at their pleasure and we do not have any control on it.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
