Angie 2
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi can you tell me if there are any vaccinations I should have before my trip to Cuba please?


Good Morning Angie 2,

Could you visit the website listed below. I'm sure all the information you're looking for is there. 

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)

Having been to Cuba many times I have nothing to add to the above but whilst they may have some of the best equipped hospitals, and best trained doctors, they sadly still suffer from shortages.

So, apart from any prescription medicines you might need, take ample supplies of paracetamol, immodium (other brands are available) you think you might need as the chances of picking these up on the trip are pretty slim.

Also take some mossie repellant! I only really needed this last time on the day of the nature walk and, of course, that is the day I left it in the suitcase by mistake! I suffered!!

Also handwash or wet wipes are a good investment as public loos don't always have soap.

On which subject it is generally accepted that all soaps & toiletries in hotel rooms will be "liberated" and redistributed - as, because such things are nigh on impossible for the people to get hold of, wherever you go you will always be asked for "jabon" (sounds like sabon).

Cuba is a beautiful country - have a lovely trip.

Angie 2
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for your information and advice. I have lots of mossie repellant and handwash etc and will go to the travel nurse at my GP clinic. I have bought some extra soaps to take with me to hand out. Is there anything else I should consider taking?
