• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am going on the Yosemite, Grand Canyon & Classic California tour soon and would like to find out the day itinery for day 7 at Yosemite National Park would there be time to book a tram tour for that day. Roughly what time do we get there and what time would we have to leave. 


Hi Ali,

Please see below for the provisional itinerary - but please note that this subject to change due to weather and road conditions.

You will depart your hotel at 08.00hrs and arrive in Coasregold at around 09.00hrs where you'll stay for half an hour. At 11.30hrs you will arrive at the Visitors Centre at Yosemite National Park and from here, the free shuttle bus service operates throughout the park. The main service runs between all the major waterfalls the second service runs to the El Capitan rock. You will depart Yosemite National Park at around 16.30hrs.

In terms of booking a tram, it is completely up to you as it is your own time to explore the park.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,
