  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am writing this post on behalf of myself and three other disgruntled JY customers.  On 15th March I sent an email to Charlotte Green in response to a letter received from JY regarding the recent ill-fated Mexico, Guatemala and Belize trip.  Having received no reply, on 28th March I wrote a letter to Gill Davies, Customer Services Manager.  Three of my fellow travellers BGray, mikew and RogerP also wrote to Gill Davies or Charlotte Green on or about 18th March.  To date none of us have received either a reply or even had the courtesy of a simple acknowledgement.  Have the entire Customer Services team gone on an extended holiday? Are they perhaps sampling the new Global Explorer trip?  Between the four of us we have been on over forty JY holidays and consider ourselves to be loyal customers and dedicated Community members however this lack of even the most basic level of Customer Service is extremely disappointing.  I am hoping that you might be able to get a message through to the relevant team that we are all still awaiting a response and would preferably like one before we all go on our next trips (in six weeks in Bob and Mike’s case!)

sallyc, BGray, mikew & RogerP

Hi sallyc,

Firstly, I am sorry that you are dissatisfied by our lack of contact with you. Unfortunately, Charlotte is out of the office indefinitely, so you would have received an email to re-direct your email to another member of the customer service team, hence why this had not been picked up.

We do state that we will get back to you within 28 days and I can confirm that three out of the four letters have been completed today so they will be in the post to you shortly. We are just waiting on some clarification for Bob, but I expect this to be sent out by the end of the week.

We are mindful that you are all loyal customer and I am sorry for the lack of acknowledgement of your email/letters.

I hope this clarifies your concerns. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Monty,

Many thanks for this reply - I am intrigued by what might need clarification before my letter can be sent.  I am also surprised to learn of a 28 day response timescale - I have never heard this mentioned before.  As we are almost back two months from the Mexico tour it is disappointing that it has taken several rounds of emails and letters in an attempt to get a full and appropriate response from JY. 

I do hope that the replies will fully take on board the issues we have raised in our letters.

Best wishes,


Hi Bob

I would be very surprised if you or the others get satisfactory answers from JY, myself and others didn't on a disastrous holiday to Italy and France last year. Will not use JY ever again, there are other single holiday companies who do things so much better.

  • (Member)
Hi Joybelle,

I'm very sorry to hear that.  I've had 14 holidays with the company between JY (12) and Travelsphere (2) with three more booked.  The Mexico tour was the first time I've experienced any major problems and I feel they were serious enough to warrant that they be fully investigated and for JY to accept the reality of what happened on our tour.  This will not stop me from using JY as I love their tours and I don't want to miss out on having more fantastic holidays in the future.  I remain hopeful that JY will take on board my comments and respond appropriately.

Best wishes,
