  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty

Grateful if you could let me know how many people have booked and the male/female ratio. Also, how many are doing the add-on.

Thank you.


Hi Jaya,

At the moment there are 12 travellers booked on this departure, one more is optionally booked and five of these are doing the Playa del Carmen add-on too.

There will be 9 women and 4 men on the main leg of the tour and the add-on is a group made up of women.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Monty. I am presuming that this Tour has been cleared for departure. It will be nice to travel with a small group as the chance of getting to know everyone is good. Hopefully everyone will gel.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty

Not long to go before the trip. Are you able to confirm the final numbers plus the age range of the group? Really looking forward to this holiday and hope nothing goes wrong!

Thanks and kind regards


Hi Jaya,

There are 16 travellers booked on the tour, with 6 of these also booked on the Playa del Carmen add-on. The ages range from the late-40's up to the late-70's.

The first lot of travellers for this tour are over there at the moment, so I am sure someone will be writing a review on their return. I am really looking to finding out how they got on. There really is no need to feel apprehensive about something going wrong - you know we will take care of you!

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty

As you know I travel with Just You because there is nothing to worry about! My meaning about something going wrong was in case the trip got cancelled because of Zika virus! I would be disappointed if it did. I too am looking forward to the review from the first lot as this will give me an idea of what to expect. I am counting the days....!


  • (Member)

Just to let you know Bob is having a good time and the tour manager he has is excellent.......I won't say anymore like you I await the reviews ...


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

Nice to know that Bob is having a good time after all the ups and downs he had before the trip! I am really looking forward to reading his review before I depart on 2 March.
