Marion F
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Would it be possible to be given the first names of our fellow travellers, with our final information pack? Preferably with their home towns. This makes it so much quicker to get to know everyone's names, and I think it's a friendlier start to the holiday.
Hi Marion,

That is a really nice idea, but I am afraid we are unable to do that as it's a breach of the data protection act. The excitement of new meeting people and getting to know their names is something to add to the experience and is all part of the fun.

Kindest regards,


Marion F
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'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Marion,

That is a really nice idea, but I am afraid we are unable to do that as it's a breach of the data protection act. The excitement of new meeting people and getting to know their names is something to add to the experience and is all part of the fun.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

I have been with another singles company who give you a list of the first names and initial of surnames, and home towns of fellow travellers, with the final information pack. The data protection act in fact does not cover all the eventualities that some people think.

It made it much more interesting to have this information, and it was nice to be able to greet people such as 'Ah, you must be Mary G from Birmingham!' It certainly doesn't add to the excitement by not knowing names in advance, quite the opposite, imho. It would be very nice if JY would make the effort to do it.

I have travelled with a another company which does release names and hometowns of travellers. I didn't like it at all. Many people had preformed opinions of their fellow travellers based on this information. I much prefer meeting up at the airport, and getting to know my companions in the flesh. There is also a security issue. If any traveller has an unusual name as I do myself, they are easily traceable. I certainly don't want to advertise the fact that my house will be unoccupied! There is always the oportunity to contact travelling companions on the website.
  • (Member)
I agree you cannot give out that sort of information before hand...I have suggested many times for us to wear labels for the first few days but that didn't go down well either
  • (Member)
I totally agree that names and home towns should not be given out before hand. It is far more exciting to meet total strangers!


  • (Member)
I have to wear two badges all day at work so defo do not want to have to wear one on hols!!. I agree that it is better to take everyone at face value when you meet them and not have pre-conceived ideas.
expect we'll be expected to supply a picture of ourselves next to go alongside our profile, i agree it won't work and some people do however prefare to keep some things private, yes it is fun getting to know your fellow travellers, some names and faces seem to stick whilst others you struggle with and a good way of putting a name to the face is to be paying attention when room keys are being handed out
  • (Member)
I dont mean to wear a badge for the whole holiday just the first few meal times perhaps, I just get so embarrassed keep asking the same question..sorry what's your name by day three I give up, mentally I link people with things one lady for a long tour was blue Mac in my mind she always wore a blue Mac never did get to remember her name
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Marion,

That is a really nice idea, but I am afraid we are unable to do that as it's a breach of the data protection act. The excitement of new meeting people and getting to know their names is something to add to the experience and is all part of the fun.

Kindest regards,


Sigh. If I had a pound for every time an armchair lawyer said that phrase... I appreciate you are a company spokesperson on this forum but in this case you are not correct.

I work in this specific area of IT and Information Security as my job - advising clients on personal data security and how to avoid breaches. It would /not/ be a breach of the Data Protection Act to release this information as at this level of detail it is considered anonymised. Only information that leads to the direct or indirect traceability of an individual against their consent would lead to a breach. The other contributor who mentions that a rare name and town could lead to traceability has a point, unless your booking agreement includes the statement that this information will be shared unless they proactively opt out.

Please, don't use this old chestnut as an excuse for not wanting to do something, and take concrete legal advice from an accredited information practitioner who knows what personal data can and cannot be shared, in what contexts, and what uses do and don't require a data subject's consent for it to be shared.

I always have trouble remembering names, but I don't think that having a list of first names and where they are from would be any help to me at all, I would still have to know which face went with what name. I get to the stage where I ask other people what someone's name is, and it's somewhat a relief when they say they don't know either and I know it's not just me, I think name remembering is a problem a lot of us have. If the group size is anything under 25 I can probably name around most of the group in 2 or 3 days, I'm happy enough with that.

Data protection or not, I still wouldn't like my name being sent out without my say-so, it's a holiday, not a business meeting! Let things take their natural course, we all get there quite happily in the end.

I suppose wearing name tags might be an answer but I don't like that idea either.


  • (Member)
Ok so I get the feeling it's a no to the name badge
Jenny P
Anyone can get in touch with other travellers through this forum, so those who wish to can, and those who do not wish to need not. Which I think gets round this issue perfectly.
I recall on one tour our manager gave us a little task of going round getting to know people on one of our stops just a bit of fun really though some people will go round looking for names to the faces whilst others will just let them fall naturally, you can just about do it if the group is under 20 but if on say a Travelsphere tour of 30 odd plus forget it, when in OZ a couple of us got pen and paper out and wrote down all the names we can remember that's a good way, write em down as you go
'nixon' wrote:

Ok so I get the feeling it's a no to the name badge

Sorry Cindy, but as Jonah has said, a lot of people have to wear identification tags/badges in their place of work, it's just nice to be able to leave the 'label' behind when you are on holiday. Of course, I'm not saying people can't wear badges if they feel they want to, but it's personally not for me. Maybe some people will back your idea.


On a trip to the USA with JY, our Tour Manager on the first couple of days, pinned our names up above our seats once we we were all seated... this was a great way to learn some of the names of the people around you. I think she mainly did it so that she could learn our names but it worked both ways.

Personally I don't mind either way if JY were to give a list of the first/last names of all the people on a trip that I was doing .. but what I can guarantee is that someone would complain about it. They cant win really.

In the end its our holiday and our choice to get to know the people on a trip with us, and that to me that is often the fun part:)

  • (Member)
On the Thailand trip a few years ago, you have a group photo taken right at the beginning with all the temples - and on the back there are spaces for you to write everyone's name behind their photo! Genius! There will of course be some people who don't want to buy the photo, but that's fine.

I know which travel company it is that issues your name prior to the holiday, but I haven't travelled with them. What if you discover someone on the named list that you didn't get on with on a previous holiday?! Name badges - no, thank you.

I do agree that with a very large group (there were 37 of us at Xmas with TS), you never get to know everyone's name - in fact there was one couple that I wasn't even sure if they with our group! I really prefer smaller groups and that way you do get to know most of them by the end of the holiday! Personal interaction (or asking someone else!) is the best way.



When I travelled with another company last year I was surprised to receive a list of full names and towns or counties of my travelling companions. I don't have a particularly unusual surname but it would still be relatively easy to identify my full address. A bit of a concern - many single travellers live alone, it does rather suggest that the house would be empty! Also, there may be, for some reason, someone on the holiday you would prefer didn't have those details. So for me, no I wouldn't like to be on such a list.

However, like so many, I do have a problem remembering names (and faces - can end up chatting to someone I thought was in "my" group only to find they are not!). One lady on that first trip was jotting down "identifiers" against the names on the list to help her remember who was who - she was still referring to the list well into the holiday. On a second trip with the same company another lady was using the list in the same way. I am lucky if I can remember more than a few names - its not through lack of trying or lack of interest - I just have a problem.

Obviously group size is a factor in getting to know people. My Christmas/New Year break with Travelsphere numbered 37 travellers and I am sure there were many people I didn't even speak to, let alone get to know by name. There are holidays I have decided against because they seem to have larger groups - I would prefer say 20 to 25 max.

I also think the Tour Manager can play a proactive role here - it amazes me how quickly they seem to grasp so many names - so at the welcome drink or other appropriate occasion perhaps some form of introduction could be utilised?

For me a name badge for the first couple of days would not be a problem - I too wore a full ID badge for many years - so no photos please!!!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all fellow travellers a wonderful 2016 - may all your travel plans turn into amazing holidays! :thumbup:

Hi Monty

I think this a good idea. I was on the same trip as Marion (with a rival company) and I found it very useful to have a list of first names and what town they came from. I looked at the list several times as a reminder of names and learnt them all quite quickly.

I was going to comment on the reason why Just You couldn't comply with Marion's request but another traveller (PAHILL) has put it far better than I could.


If we wore name badges we would look like we were with a rival company that is named after Nordic folk tales.