  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
A couple of months ago I requested to be taken off of your mailing list.

I had confirmation from a Customer Services Manager that this had been

done and no further brochures or leaflets would be sent to me. Unfortunately I

am still receiving them, as I have no intention of using Just You again will you

get them stopped PLEASE.

Hi Joy,

I am sorry to hear about this. We have just checked your account and you will definitely be unsubscribed now.

Kindest regards,


Quite the opposite of me, then! I never seem to get one. Should I have expected something recently? I certainly haven't had anything. Could you just double check that I am subscribed, please?


Hi Toni,

When was the last time you received something? I have just queried your subscription and I should be able to tell you tomorrow whether you are subscribed and if not, hopefully subscribe you again.

Kindest regards,


Well over a year ago Monty - at least it feels like that. So long ago I really can't remember. I keep reading posts from others about new brochures / flyers, etc., and never get any of them, despite asking.


Hi Toni,

We have dug deep into our database and found an issue with your subscription - this is now all sorted so you will receive our mailings from now on. Please keep me updated on whether you receive them or not.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Monty. When is the next mailing due, then? I will look out for it.


Hi Toni,

It will be our new brochure, which may I add, has been delivered into JYHQ today and is sitting on my desk!!

Kindest regards,


'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Toni,

It will be our new brochure, which may I add, has been delivered into JYHQ today and is sitting on my desk!!

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

New brochure on your desk hey, you wouldn't mind flicking through and telling us what the new holidays for 2016 are would you? Go on be a devil!


  • (Member)
  • (Member)
Did someone mention new tours.... where do I begin?
'Julia' wrote:

Did someone mention new tours.... where do I begin?

Ooooooohh!! Wasn't counting on you getting in first. Come on Julia it's nearly Christmas, season of good will and all that, just what do we have to do to get a few clues? Where do you start you ask, the beginning of the new holidays is a very good place to start don't you think? Where's your Christmas spirit, and don't say in a bottle hiding under your desk!


  • (Member)
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Despite numerous requests to be removed from JY mailing list and assurances

This had been done I am still receiving post from yourselves, on Saturday a 2016 brochure turned up. Is this really so difficult for you to implement?

Hi Joy,

This happened as you were already selected on our database to be sent this before we unsubscribed you. We have to select our data very far in advance and I hope you understand this. That should be your last mailing, but please bare with us if you receive any more mailings during January.

Kindest regards,
