Angie 2
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

I am going on the Heart and Soul of America Tour in October and as I haven't been to America before I have no idea how much money to take with me. I know everyone is not the same in terms of what they spend but any advice is welcome.


Mick W
Hi Angie,

Always a difficult question as we are all different and its best to break it down. Costs i find given the current exchange rate are very similar to here (although the expected tips in their culture adds a little on).

Meals depends on whether you want to go to a good restaurant or eat in a pub, bit of both i would suggest.

Chicago will be most expensive as its a big upmarket city (think London prices) and things will get cheaper as you head south (bit like heading north in the UK).

Other than meals if you are like me and intend to visit a few music bars you need to allow a for a cover charge to get in ($10ish) and of course your drinks.

Rest is basically what you intend to bring back as souveniers and presents. Be warned in America they don't add the tax on until you get to the till so its always higher than advertised. Rate does vary between states.

Another bit of advice is if you get chance to stop at a large supermarket (walmart) have a look at the clothing prices. Last year could get Levi or Wrangler jeans for $15 so need space in your luggage, got a couple of pair myself and would have got more if had space.


'Angie wrote:

Hi all,

I am going on the Heart and Soul of America Tour in October and as I haven't been to America before I have no idea how much money to take with me. I know everyone is not the same in terms of what they spend but any advice is welcome.


Hi Angie,

I did the Park's and Canyons trip last year, and I took the advice of another traveller and based my spending on 50 dollars a day which worked well. If you like to buy a lot of sovereigns, then I would take a little more to be on the safe side, or bring a credit card with you.

Have a wonderful trip.

Kind Regards


  • (Member)
Hello Angie,

Like Mick, I was on the Heart and Soul last year. I catered for $100 a day which did me well as I came back with plenty of money. Some of my bigger purchases- ie daughter's birthday was put on credit card as I bought in Chicago. If I had known that I would have some left over then I would have paid cash. I agree with Walmart that we stopped at, make sure you know the correct US to UK sizing- so easy and cheap. We did not have much time there so do your homework :D

As breakfast is included, most of us had a large breakfast and did not eat till that evening. Saved so much money :)


Angie 2
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all,

That is very helpful. I will look at US sizing before I go and take a credit card as well as dollars. I am getting really excited about this trip as I have been thinking of it for a while now. I haven't done long haul before. Any other info I may need?


  • (Member)
Hello Angie,

Heart and Soul is a great trip. Remember your baggage allowance as I was so heavy at New Orleans that I had to decant into a smaller bag at the airport. Ruined what would have been a great experience as it took so much time that the others had gone ahead and I was left behind. Also the TSA man was about to put a Frankfurt label on my suitcase as there was another passenger with the same problem. I bought a bigger bag at Miami airport which helped.

Remember food is plentiful, a small meal is not, I put on 4 pounds :blush:

We walked a lot, Chicago was near the Millenium Mile so it was easy to get to most of the centre.We went on the Architecture tour- a boat cruise which was amazing. Not impressed with the group that was playing at Buddy Guy's Legends- heard better at House of Blues. St Louis is great if not a little daunting as there was that problem with the Police and riots. Managed to see St Louis Blues- the local ice hockey team play.

Memphis I love, Beale Street is the best along with Bourbon Street to hear great music. Graceland is well worth the tour except that most of the exhibits are in London. Not sure what they left behind.

New Orleans is on a par with Memphis. The hotel is a fair way out and you need taxis to get back to it. I have stayed in the centre and felt very safe there. Jazz cruise was brilliant. If you love Blues and Jazz then you will love this whole tour.


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