  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I've just noticed that there are no Russia holidays on the new website. I'm just curious as this is yet another holiday I would like to do over the next couple of years - have all 2015 dates been cancelled? Will it feature in 2016 or is it being rested for a couple of years?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Sorry for the delay - you know me I like to give as much information as possible....

So, at the moment, we are not featuring Russia. We have found that travellers are more hesitant to visit this area at the moment - not only because of the coverage on the news of the Ukraine, but also because of the new Visa application process whereby fingerprints are now required and travellers have to visit the consulate in Edinburgh or London.

They are continuing to monitor the situation, whether it will return in 2016 all depends on the political situation and if we start to see travellers showing an interest in the destination again.

Kindest regards,


For the time being we are not featuring Russia as bookings dropped significantly after the coverage on the news of the Ukraine and the new Visa application process (finger prints are now required so you need to travel to the consulate in Edinburgh or London. )

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thanks for the reply. It is a little way down my wish list, so I'm happy for it to be rested for a couple of years or so, but if it doesn't reappear a few years down the road I think I'll have to start a mini campaign to get it reinstated! The new visa regulations sound a right pain and I can understand that might put people off, as well as the ongoing political situation.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

You will certainly have a problem getting a Russian Visa unless you are able to visit their consulate in London or Edinburgh! I know someone I have met on Just You holiday changed his Russian holiday this year to Sicily because of this.


  • (Member)

You know the holiday creators love a mini-campaign to get destinations included!

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya, I could visit the Embassy in Dublin so that (in theory) shouldn't be a problem!

Hi Julia, I hope they do! Russia isn't top of my wish list just yet. I really want to do Australia, but finding a date is difficult especially with the Sept 2016 one "under review" - I presume this means it is unlikely to run! The other dates don't suit, so I'm looking into other options for next year. Am eagerly awaiting the new line up but won't book until it's complete in the Sept brochure. Ethiopia is pretty much at the top of my wish list, I wonder if JY will ever come up with a tour?

Best wishes,


Mick W

Check but I heard this rule only applies to certain countries UK been one of them. It maybe easier with an Irish passport, not sure.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mick, but if it's that difficult for UK passport holders it's probably not looking good for JY reintroducing the tour. I can't see many people in the various parts of the UK making a special journey to London or Edinburgh to get the visa sorted. Hope you've enjoyed the rest of your Tuscany tour!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
A friend a few years back went on the JY Russia tour, she even took Russian speaking lessons, she had a great time and loved it so much she went again. Hope you get to go there one day Bob.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Cindy, here's hoping!



  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Here's another who would dearly love to visit Russia and noticed it missing from the JY list of destinations. I'd like to visit both St Petersburg and Moscow, ideally using the train connecting the two.

Let's keep up the pressure on Julia to work her magic!



How about it Julia?!

  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Thanks Cindy, here's hoping!



So glad you raised this, Bob. I was also hoping to visit Russia next year with JY. Let's hope they will reconsider if enough people show interest.

best wishes,


  • (Member)
I'm glad you brought the subject of Russia up, Bob, as I would dearly love to visit it with JY. Here's hoping it will feature in the holidays for 2016/7.

Best wishes,
