  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Afternoon to u and the jy team!

I hope all is going well...... I e-mailed through a few photos and a video I had made from my florida trip last month which i said you can use on the facebook page the other day and I was just wondering if you had received them ok?

Many thanks

Hayley scowen 😃

  • (Member)
Hi Hayley,

Sadly we haven't received these yet - but would love to be able to share them! Could I trouble you to send them through to me directly (jmorton@justyou.co.uk).

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Consider it done- please let me know when you have received them


Hayley scowen

  • (Member)
Hi Hayley,

Thanks for this - we've received one video and six photos. I can't wait for the team to get these on Facebook!


P.S. To all other members - once they are live, I will post a link on here so everyone can enjoy!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Good morning,

I hope you are well and all is good in the jy world...... just wondering if they are going to upload the photos and videos I sent in on to the facebook page as its all been a bit quite and no sign of them on the page yet??? 😞

I do hope they appear soon but if you could ask for me that would be fab thanks.

keep up the good work and catch ya later

Hayley 🙂

  • (Member)

Thanks again for sending them to us, Hayles - we're sure the Just You Community will enjoy viewing them! 🙂


  • (Member)
Saw these on FB tonight and then shared them for my daughters to see. They are great :thumbup:


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