  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am booked for 7th October to Punta Umbria. Can you tell me how many others are booked for this date please and what is the name of our tour guide. Thank you.
  • (Member)
Good Morning Faith,

Of course I can share this with you - There are 29 of you travelling on the Costa de la Luz trip and the Tour Manager provisionally allocated on this trip is Georgina Lincoln.

Not long to go now, I hope you have a wonderful time!

Kindest regards,


Hi Faith,

I'm going to Punta Umbria on tues too.

This is my 1st time with J U & I'm really looking forward to it. There are so many good reviews on this trip.

Look forward to meeting you there


Have fun please. Say hi to Gina. She is lovely. Watch out for the jelly fish on the beach!
Thanks Bosuncat

I'm sure we'll love it. Was great to read your review And..... I did note your advice on the jellyfish & slippy cobbles, thanx.

I'll definitely say hello to Gino from you, She sounds lovely

Hope you're continuing to improve and your bruising is fading.

I'm off to finish packing

An excited Jan

Have a good flight and a great time. Have a few at Bar Batavia for me at the hotel! 😛