  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, hope you can help please...

I want to go away over Christmas and New Year and it seems as though there are two choices that I'd like to ask about.

Costa Brava - how many are booked on this trip please? Can you give an idea of the gender split and age range? Is it available from Birmingham and at what extra cost?

Secondly, the North Cyprus trips are listed separately for the two weeks - is there an amalgamated price/trip also on offer please? At what cost?

Thank you i advance


  • (Member)
Hi Dido123

For Costa Brava, there are currently 26 travellers confirmed to travel on this holiday. The ages are from late-40s through to mid-80s and the group is made up of 9 men and 17 women. There are no direct flights from regional airports on this holiday but one of our Holiday Advisors would be able to tell you if you would be able to get a connecting flight.

North Cyprus - last year there were a couple of travellers that did back to back trips staying in resort for both Christmas and New Year. I have just had a quick word with a colleague and it would be possible to do this if you were interested.

It's probably for the best to have a chat with one of our holiday advisors who can talk through all of the options available to you. I can arrange for someone to contact you (via phone or email) if you could provide me with details on the best way to reach you. You can either reply on this thread, and I will edit out your details, alternatively you can email me directly at jmorton@justyou.co.uk.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thank you.

Email contact would suit me best please. My email is the one attached to Login details on here: ************


Note: Edited to remove contact information

  • (Member)
Hi D,

I have forwarded on your email address and a copy of this thread to my colleagues who will pick this up. Please let us know how you get on.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia. As you asked me to let you know how I got on I shall tell you...not very well.

The reply consisted of telling me that if I chose one (Costa Brava) I should have to travel down the night before. I think I may well have worked that out on my own and it was not what I had asked after.

Secondly, your colleague informed me that if I am interested in taking the Christmas followed immediately by the New Year trips to Cyprus I should have to pay £25 first 'Admin Fee' before it could be investigated!

To my mind this shows a complete lack of concern and attention to customer needs. My garage does not demand an upfront fee before they look at my car. Just You, as a travel company, is similarly, a service industry. That is, you are meant to be servicing customers - not the reverse!

Disappointed and astonished barely cover my feelings right now.

  • (Member)
Hi Dido123,

I've just spoken to my colleague who has informed me that where we need to deviate from an existing brochured holiday (for example tailor-made add-ons) you would be charged an admin fee but for arranging back-to-back holidays this is waivered.

My colleague in the customer care team would like a few minutes of your time to discuss this in more detail. If you can forward me your phone number and a convenient time to call he can clear all of this up.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Thank you for your positive reply and suggestion. Although I would be glad to speak to your colleague, as I said before, it is difficult to suggest an appropriate time through my commitments. As such, though I don't want to be awkward, an email would be the preferred method of communication.

In case you no longer have it - ****************

Could I ask that you remove it again before posting please?

Thank you once again



Note: This post has been edited to remove personal information

  • (Member)
Hi Dido123,

I have forwarded your details on.

Kindest regards,
