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(Member) (Topic Starter)

MY font of all knowledge :exclamation:

Do you know :cool: or could you find out, whilst in Boston are we near/would there be time, to do a whale watching tour:huh: as you know I am SO not a lover of water but I would women up if I could get to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.


I have booked my 9/11 museum tickets and Statue if Liberty/Ellis Island ones as well late last night for my FREE:D time in NEW YORK:exclamation:



  • (Member)

I'm not quite the font of all knowledge, but.....

You'll arrive in Boston on day 2, have your city tour late morning/early afternoon. Subject to traffic and local conditions you would be at the hotel about 3pm where you'll have the rest of the afternoon at leisure. The Welcome drink starts at about 7:30pm.

Now, day 3 is the Cape Cod optional excursion - this is a full day trip for those who are taking it OR a day at leisure for those who would prefer to explore Boston further.

Sounds like all your plans are coming together nicely for this trip! Not long to go now 🙂

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Just seen your comment about day 2 arrival in Boston. My paperwork shows the flight for 29 September arrives Boston on day 1. Can you confirm which is correct please.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for the information I shall see what I can sort out on day 3 ..the free day.



  • (Member)
Hi SarahS,

Sorry, I misread my colleagues notes - according to the system you arrive in the afternoon of day1.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hello All,

There is a whale watching boat that leaves from the dock near the Aquarium. My daughter and I booked it the day before as that day it was full. We had a most amazing show that day including rare sightings of whales not usually seen (I think the Sei whale) and the feeding frenzy of where the humpback whales go in circles and then blow bubbles to get the fish together. Track the seagulls as they know that there will be a feast. Wear warm clothing :thumbup:


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'janib' wrote:

Hello All,

There is a whale watching boat that leaves from the dock near the Aquarium. My daughter and I booked it the day before as that day it was full. We had a most amazing show that day including rare sightings of whales not usually seen (I think the Sei whale) and the feeding frenzy of where the humpback whales go in circles and then blow bubbles to get the fish together. Track the seagulls as they know that there will be a feast. Wear warm clothing :thumbup:



WOW do you know the name of the company or the website. I have been looking at a website that uses a catamaran trip takes about 3 hrs. how recent did you do this?

I really would love to see them in the sea...I am a great animal lover.


  • (Member)
Hello Cindy,

If you go onto the Aquarium website, they promote Boston Harbor Cruises which is the one we went on. Loved it :thumbup:


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'janib' wrote:

Hello Cindy,

If you go onto the Aquarium website, they promote Boston Harbor Cruises which is the one we went on. Loved it :thumbup:



Thank you so much for this information I have had a look and I shall defo be booking tickets online before I go..looks great fun!


Hi Cindy,

Do try to fit this in. I did a whale-watch trip out of Boston harbour many years ago (long before I started holidaying with JustYou). An incredible experience, but you'll inevitably find that all the sightings are on the other side of the boat from you!

There was a Cetacean expert as part of the crew, and she said (rightly) "if you haven't enjoyed this, there's something wrong with you",

The boat was new and very fast, so you're out among the whales very quickly.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Newdave' wrote:

Hi Cindy,

Do try to fit this in. I did a whale-watch trip out of Boston harbour many years ago (long before I started holidaying with JustYou). An incredible experience, but you'll inevitably find that all the sightings are on the other side of the boat from you!

There was a Cetacean expert as part of the crew, and she said (rightly) "if you haven't enjoyed this, there's something wrong with you",

The boat was new and very fast, so you're out among the whales very quickly.



Thanks for you Insight on this excursion..I will really look forward to this experience I like to push my self out of the comfort zone when I can.. I have a great fear of open water (very scary experience many years ago) so I am really going to try and confront my fear!! So might as well do it while watching whales!
