(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia...don’t want to be a pest but I see from other messages on here that you don’t mind!!!! I think I’ve virtually decided on Vietnam/Cambodia for Christmas and New Year but would rather put off booking until I actually move (hopefully I’ll be exchanging contracts in the next week or so) are the bookings for that going? Plus could you give me an idea of age range and mix please? Thanks a lot.
  • (Member)
Hi JoyElizabeth,

Of course I don't mind - it's what I'm here for!

At the moment there are 17 travellers booked to travel to Vietnam for the festive period. Currently 5 of the group are taking the main tour only, while 12 are staying for the Cambodia add-on. This does mean that there are only 5 places left on the Discover Vietnam with Angkor Wat, Phnom Penh & Mekong River at Christmas tour.

The ages of the group are from early-50s to early-80s with 8 men and 9 women currently booked.

I hope all of this information helps.

Kindest regards,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Ooooooh...think I may have to book it tomorrow and hope all my moving plans come to fruition. I really want to do something different this year and this tour seems to tick all the boxes - don't want to risk missing out!! Thanks for coming back so quickly Julia.
  • (Member)
Not a problem - it's a good job you asked!
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

Ooooooh...think I may have to book it tomorrow and hope all my moving plans come to fruition. I really want to do something different this year and this tour seems to tick all the boxes - don't want to risk missing out!! Thanks for coming back so quickly Julia.

Blow tomorrow...I've just booked it!!! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
That's great news! At least you know you're definitely not going to miss out on a place!

In the meantime, I hope the move goes well!

All the best,


  • (Member)
'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

Ooooooh...think I may have to book it tomorrow and hope all my moving plans come to fruition. I really want to do something different this year and this tour seems to tick all the boxes - don't want to risk missing out!! Thanks for coming back so quickly Julia.

Blow tomorrow...I've just booked it!!! :thumbup:

Hello Joy Elizabeth.

YES I like you had a look ar the places left on this holiday and panicked so I've taken the plunge and booked too !!!!! I will be travelling from Manchester and staying the night at Heathrow before the departure on 17Dec. Look forward to meeting you then...:thumbup:

  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

That's great news! At least you know you're definitely not going to miss out on a place!

In the meantime, I hope the move goes well!

All the best,


Good morning Julia

I've just booked the Vietnam and Cambodia tour for Christmas and will be travelling from Manchester the day before. Do you know if there are any other fellow travellers catching the transfer flight or any other travellers staying over night in Heathrow ? It would be nice to meet up before hand.Thank you

  • (Member)

As connecting flights and hotels are extras, sadly I don't have a summary of this information. I did look at one or two specific bookings and noticed that at least one other traveller has booked an overnight hotel with us.

It is worth noting that travellers sometimes book their overnight hotels independently. I would recommend posting a message to see if any of your fellow travellers who use the community are staying overnight and would like to meet up with you.

Kindest regards,
