  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

please can you tell me how many single travellers are booked on the Peru with River Amazon trip departing on Sept 18th with Travelsphere and the numbers booked for the tour which appears sold out now, also are there many departing from Birmingham and any male travellers on the tour

many thanks for this



  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

Yes, Travelsphere's Peru with Amazon add-on for the 18th September is fully booked (although there are a couple of places still on the main tour only)

There are 15 of you booked to take the main tour with the Amazon add-on and the group is made up of 7 men and 8 women. There are 3 travellers booked as single although one of these looks like they are travelling with another couple. Two of you travelling from Birmingham.

There are another 18 travellers booked on the main tour (8 men, 10 women), 4 of the group are booked as solo travellers with 3 travelling from Birmingham.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia and Dave

Thank you Julia for info regarding numbers on TS Peru and amazon on 18th Sept.

Quite reassuring that there are, if I have calculated correctly, 7 solo travellers in all,

Dave, I can't workout how many solo male travellers there are. I do hope for your sake that at least 3 or 4 are. So a good mix.

Hopefully everyone will be friendly though and whatever, we all have the holiday in common--as everyone keeps reminding me.

At this stage I am now hoping that I do manage to do my Slovenia holiday, which was a late booking.

Kind regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

yes I can't work it out sounds rather muddily to me those numbers, just had yet another look and seems even more confusing, still we'll find out when we get there, it always sounds confusing when there are add on's too, yes we sure shall have a fab time, when I went to Australia with JY there were only 4 men out of 21 but we all mixed jolly well

enjoy Slovenia


ps ok I gonna have a go so here goes

Peru tour on it's own x 33

Peru tour with amazon x15

seems quite easy when you try lol

  • (Member)
Hi Dina

You are correct that there are 7 solo travellers in all. There are 15 men and 18 women altogether from which there are 7 solo travellers!



  • (Member)
Hi Jaya and Dave

Jaya, thanks for your calculation of numbers on this TS trip to Peru.

Have a great holiday yourself, I think I saw somewhere that you are away in June but can't remember where it said--Italy!!

Dave, have just had a quick look at Carol King's photos, ace. Will look at them properly when I have more time

all the best Di

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di, yes I looked at Carol Kings photographs of Peru at the weekend, made me want this holiday to come round even quicker, hope all is well with you



  • (Member)
Hi Dave

Hope all is well with you,too!

In my Peru guidebook I saw info on an English pub in Cuszco-although I have previously seen the pub on TV when watching a programme on Peru a couple of years ago, I couldn't remember the name.

I am now going to quote from my guidebook. "In this city o f contrasts, what could be more natural than a British owned watering hole for travellers, cartographers, self-styled pioneers, eccentric scientists, and birdwatchers. Join them at the bar...." Name of the pub is the Cross Keys Pub. It's owner Barry Walker is an ornithologist who runs Manu Expeditions.

It sounds quite exciting. I am going to be an eccentric wildlife watcher,

lol. Seriously I love wildlife watching, but I suspect we may not see an awful lot on this hol apart from llamas, alpacas and vicuna. A few penguins and sealions on boat trip. A few condors hopefully.

I forgot you will see a lot more than me in the Amazon. I think I am still happy giving that a miss, you will be happy that I am giving that a miss,too!!!

Regards Di

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di 

I too love watching and photographing wildlife, hope we see a few monkeys too, I should see a few of them on monkey island lol shame your not doing the amazon

here's a quote from the website

The Cross Keys is no ordinary pub. Its perched on top of the Andes in Peru at a dizzying ten and half thousand feet (3300 meters) above sea-level right close to the historical main square of the ancient Inca capital of Cusco, Peru. Owned by Englishman Barry Walker MBE (who also acts as the British Consul in Cusco) and his wife Rosario Velarde, The Cross Keys has been providing weary travellers with food and drink for neigh on 25 years. It was the first pub in Cusco and remains the only English style pub in the City

The Cross Keys is centrally located close to the main historic square in Cusco ( the Plaza de Armas), alongside the 14th century Cathedral, built by the victorious Spanish conquerors of the Incas. Building started in 1550 and took a hundred years to complete. The Cathedral is built on the site of an Inca Palace and in Inca times drinking bouts in this square lasted for many days. These days we are more restrained in our drinking habits though a lively crowd can be expected in the Cross Keys most evenings. Our patrons are a mix of Travellers, People visiting the Inca sites of Cusco, Adventurers, Archaeologists, Explorers, Academics, Writers, Mountain Climbers, Trekking Guides, Rainforest Biologists, Local professionals, Hikers, ex-Pats and I wouldn’t be surprised if we get the odd extraterrestrial



sounds so good I am sure we shall not regret going to Peru

all the best


  • (Member)
Hi Dave

Thank you for the two websites. OK we have now possibly got two evenings sorted.

I have just returned from my JY Slovenia holiday, after having a great time.

It was a brand new holiday with just a couple of issues regarding transfer times and the Hotel in Ribno. Bosuncat has done a review on the holiday which sums it up well.There was a group of 16. Mainly we all got on really very well. The holiday was a real tonic to me, nearly didn't make it. I was ill the week before believe it or not. Mother and aunt were OK til today, typical.

I haven't laughed so much for goodness knows how long. So now I can concentrate on Peru.. If Peru is half as good as Slovenia I will be more than happy.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Dina

I am off to Italian Dolomites and Croatia on 9 June. Enjoy your trip to Peru.



  • (Member)
Hi Jaya

Enjoy your holiday in Croatia and the Dolomites, too.

I have never been to the Dolomites or Croatia, but would like to go to Croatia at some stage.

Perhaps meet you on a holiday in the future.

Kind regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

yes I notice our hotel in Lima is in the Miraflores area same as where all the bars are so hopefully not too far to walk to the Old Pub or we could easily get a taxi to pop down there for our own welcome drink the evening we arrive lol we would be ready for one after that long flight, glad you had such a good time in Slovenia I am sure Peru will be better hoping we have a good group, hope you recovered ok from your illness and that you can now concentrate on Peru

all the best


  • (Member)
Hi Dina

You never know when our paths will cross one day. It would be lovely to meet you. I too have never been to Dolomites or Croatia so am really looking forward to the holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi Dave

The Old Pub in Lima could definitely be Plan A for the first evening.A beer would probably go down well.

All fine now, thank you. Hope all is OK with you,too.

I am slightly apprehensive about going with Travelsphere, although it isn't my first holiday with them. Like you just hope it is a good group which is friendly towards the seven (??) solo travellers.

At the end of the day we will see far more than we would should we be going with JY and it will be ace.

Saw your post about travel adapters and Julia's reply, useful!

All the best Di

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

yes we land just after six so all being well we could make that first drink to christen our arrival in Peru at a reasonable hour and still have that early night, that place looks good for a Friday also but who knows hey!

I too thought the Travelsphere tour was more comprehensive than JY's, I am sure the 'couple' travellers will welcome us 'solo's' with open arms, last years trip to Australia with JY was fab as all our group of 21 just gelled perfectly, I may have been spoiled with that group

I purchased a multi adapter off ebay looks just the job may get another what with charging things etc

all the best


  • (Member)

TV programme BBC2 8pm June 1st. "I bought a rainforest". Might be interesting for you. It is about a couple who bought a bit of land in the Peruvian Amazon. The land borders on to Manu National Park.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Di

have set my planner could be worth watching


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Di

watched that programme 'I bought a rainforest' very interesting, looking forward to part 2 next week, not too happy about all them flies though they seemed to be everywhere in the rainforest, I shall be taking my fly net with me that's for sure the one we bought in OZ



  • (Member)
Hi Dave

I found that programme very interesting too. I certainly didn't expect to see the people covered in so many flies and ants. You will look like a professional explorer with your fly net. ( I am assuming you are not a professional explorer!). You made me laugh. Just make sure you have plenty of insect repellent.

It is probably just as well I am not doing the Amazon add-on as I think I would be a bit feeble where creepy crawlies are concerned. On the other hand how exciting!!

Regards Di