  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I am booked on this tour on 20th October and I have been looking up the hotels on google. The hotel in Chicago - Inn of Chicago - has some very bad reviews regarding cleanliness and the rooms being overheated during the night. Has this hotel been checked out recently by JY? The other hotels on the tour seem to have good reviews especially Memphis and New Orleans. You will hopefully have some feedback after the first tour in May. Val

  • (Member)
Hi Val,

Sorry for the delay in coming back to you on this one - Tim was investigating in my absence yesterday and was waiting on a response from another colleague.....

The hotel has been checked out by a member of the Just You team. Obviously, customer concerns are a top priority for us and our product manager has raised the recent reviews with the hotel directly. As you may know, we do monitor all feedback from our customers (whether via the customer service questionnaires, feefo, letters, email s and the community) and where necessary take appropriate action.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Val,

Sorry for the delay in coming back to you on this one - Tim was investigating in my absence yesterday and was waiting on a response from another colleague.....

The hotel has been checked out by a member of the Just You team. Obviously, customer concerns are a top priority for us and our product manager has raised the recent reviews with the hotel directly. As you may know, we do monitor all feedback from our customers (whether via the customer service questionnaires, feefo, letters, email s and the community) and where necessary take appropriate action.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Julia,

I have posted this again today thinking that something had happened to this original so please ignore new post.

