  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Could you let me know how many are booked on the following holidays please:

Prague, Vienna, and Budapest - departure date 24/09/14


Istanbul, Troy and Ephesus - departure dates 21/09/14 and 9/11/14.

Also, do you have any idea who the tour rep might be for each holiday yet?



  • (Member)
Good morning Caroline,

I can indeed give you the numbers for these to date

For Prague Vienna, and Budapest 24/09/2014 departure, there are currently 9 travellers booked

For Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus 21/09/14, there are currently 14 travellers booked

For Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus 09/11/14, there are 4 travellers booked

In terms of Tour Manager, at the moment these have not yet been allocated.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia,

Looks like it'll be Prague/Vienna/Budapest in September, and Instanbul in November, just need to get a few more days booked off work yet.

I'll keep an eye on the numbers, do you know how many are required for each tour to be full? I should be able to book either the beginning of May or beginning of June.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

The Prague, Vienna & Budapest tour has a capacity of 26 and Istanbul can also take 26 travellers so you should be OK to book May/June but I would definitely recommend you keep asking me for updates as I would hate for you to be disappointed.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
How many are booked on 9th Aprl trip to Prague, Viienna and Budapest please and what is the age range!


  • (Member)
Hi Jenny, the age range of the 24 people booked on this tour is from 40 to 78.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

Could I just have an update on how many are booked on the Prague/Vienna/Budapest trip departing on 24/09/14 and the Istanbul,Troy and Ephesus trip on 09/11/14.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

Of course I can,

Prague, Vienna & Budapest departing on 24/09/14 is up to 11 travellers

Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus departing on the 9th November is on 5 travellers.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie,

Can I be a pest and ask how many are booked on the Prague/Vienna/Budapest (24/09/14) and Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus (09/11/14) tours now please?



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

Of course you can be a pest 😉

For Prague, Vienna & Budapest there are currently 12 travellers booked and for Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus there are 6 confirmed to travel.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia,

It's just I'm going to America in the next week or so and I'm hoping to book Prague, Vienna and Budapest when I get back. Hopefully the tour won't sell out in the meantime - I'm hoping to book it 7/8 June.

Do you know who the tour rep is likely to be for this tour yet?

Regarding new tours for 2015 - do you know if Just You have any plans to resurrect the grand European rail journey at all? This covered Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Czech Rep.? Was just wondering with the new tours coming out if this may be one that will come back again?

I'll probably wait till July to book for Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus as I'm still trying to sort my leave out for this at work.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

In terms of bookings for Prague Vienna & Budapest - there are 12 booked at the moment so still plenty of places available. The only thing to consider is that this tour/date is included in the upcoming brochure so we may see a few more travellers join the group over the next couple of weeks.

JY Will would be the best person to answer the question about the resurrection of tours - but he is on annual leave at the minute. It isn't included in the upcoming brochure, and sadly I'm not important enough to know what is being planned for the September brochure. I always say never say never, we often rest tours for a few years and then bring them back (sometimes with a few tweaks) to change the programme of tours up a bit.

I hope this information helps,

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia,

I'm still hoping to book these when I return from holiday, once I've got my leave sorted at work.

If you get chance to speak to Will could you ask him if the european rail journey may be resurrected at any point, just I would wait to do that tour if it also included Poland - no hurry though, I'll be away for two weeks so don't need an urgent response.

Please could you confirm I'm on the mailing list for your new brochure, I'm looking forward to reading it when I get back.

Thanks for your help.


  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

I have dropped Will an email - he's on annual leave at the minute but I'm sure there will be a response when you return from your holiday.

I will check that you are on the list now so we're sure there will be a copy waiting for you.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

In response to your question about the grand European rail journey, I understand that the team aren't working on a central European tour at the moment but it may be something that they look at in the future.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the response Julia.

Could I please have an update on how many are going on the two tours now, and the name of the tour reps, if known.

I'm hoping to book the Prague trip this week.

Could you please send me a Just You brochure as I haven't received one yet.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

There are 13 booked for Prague, Vienna & Budapest and 7 confirmed travellers on the Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus.

Neither tour has the Tour Manager allocated as yet.

I'll make sure a brochure is in the post to you now.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia,

Could you let me know how many are booked on both of these tours now please? I've booked them both but I'm just being nosy - lol! When I booked the Prague,Vienna and Budapest tour, I was advised this one has already been cleared to operate.



  • (Member)
Hi Caroline,

Absolutely! On the Prague, Vienna & Budapest trip departing on the 24th September, there are 21 travellers confirmed to book. For Istanbul, Troy & Ephesus there are 9 confirmed travellers.

I can also tell you that both tours have now been cleared to operate.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I'm sure I saw a post suggesting how much of each type of currency to take for the Prague, Vienna and Budapest tour, obviously as I need 3 different currencies-but unfortunately I can't find the post.

Can you, or anybody who's been on this tour, advise me of a rough amount to get of each currency? I've already paid for the Mozart concert, but I've read that some enjoyed it so much they went back the next night, so I would need to take extra money for this if anyone has a rough idea how much it cost.



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