Mick W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Last year I seem to remember when looking at many of the holidays by selecting the airport drop downlist and selecting the airport you could see the outward flight time.

This doesn't happen now it just gives you the airline.

Personally I found this quite useful before selecting a holiday and whether i require the extra expense of a overnight hotel.

Could flight times be put on the website ?

  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

I've raised this with the team to see what can be done.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)

As long as you don't take the flight time as gospel, as I have had many holidays when I get the final documents the flight time has changed. I have booked my next JY tour a year in advance so anything can happen with an airlines schedules.

Where are you off to next?


Mick W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Nothing booked yet which is unusual for me but am currently looking. I am off to Chester for Christmas but not with JY.

Next year there is a strong chance I'll be doing the new Chicago to New Orleans trip, but not possibly while the November departure. It goes from Heathrow and there is a good chance I'll be down south that weekend so will save me a journey.

Am looking to do at least one european holiday but not made my mind which yet, JY have some that i like the look of so its about checking suitable dates. Ones I'm looking at are "discover Croatia & Italy", "tuscany", "Greece - the olympic riviera", "slovenia" and "Madrid the way of st james".

Also planning a couple of weekend breaks myself (not with JY) as I've a god few avios points (airmiles) so its a matter of getting a hotel, did Lisbon last year this way.


Puer aeternus
'Mick wrote:

Last year I seem to remember when looking at many of the holidays by selecting the airport drop downlist and selecting the airport you could see the outward flight time.

This doesn't happen now it just gives you the airline.

Personally I found this quite useful before selecting a holiday and whether i require the extra expense of a overnight hotel.

Could flight times be put on the website ?

I agree Mick, I find the times a useful guidence for planning airport trave and/or overnight stops, with the obvious caveat times are subject to change.

Hope Just You puts them back on, I think most people are savvy enough to realise that they are approx times and could change.

Mick W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Puer wrote:

'Mick wrote:

Last year I seem to remember when looking at many of the holidays by selecting the airport drop downlist and selecting the airport you could see the outward flight time.

This doesn't happen now it just gives you the airline.

Personally I found this quite useful before selecting a holiday and whether i require the extra expense of a overnight hotel.

Could flight times be put on the website ?

I agree Mick, I find the times a useful guidence for planning airport trave and/or overnight stops, with the obvious caveat times are subject to change.

Hope Just You puts them back on, I think most people are savvy enough to realise that they are approx times and could change.

Yes agree but they are usually a very good guide, can recall flights changing an hour or so but not more, its often better booking hotels/parking/trains early if required to get the best deals.

I agree too. It was useful to have the "proposed" flight timings on the website because of the whole point of planning well in advance on the presumption you will have to book overnight hotels and obviously trains/ coaches etc.

If you leave it until you get final documents it can and does make things very expensive. I've only had flight timings change once and that was on my first trip. It didn't change to the amount that I had to cancel overnight hotel or anything.

  • (Member)

The JY website and brochure together usually give a clue as to which airlines are used. I have used the airlines website to try to get an idea of times, because I always have to book an airport hotel both going out and coming home, and airport car parking has to be booked as well. The flexible options are a bit more expensive than non-flexible but worth the extra in case changes/cancellations do have to be made.


Mick W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Its great the flight times are now showing thanks to whoever arranged it.

However can take it a bit further and ask if return to UK times can be shown aswell, would be very handy when planning trips and transport to airport or overnight hotels.

I know these times are not cast in stone but i find them a very good guide as I'm sure others do.


  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

I spoke very nicely to someone who looks after development - as the functionality existed it was a very quick fix.

It might take a bit more work to get return flights on to the main site but I will raise it with the same person and have it considered as part of the site redevelopment.

Kindest regards,


Mick W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for your efforts.


Hi Julia, Where are the flight times shown? I have been looking at the Vietnam holiday and the Chicago to New Orleans holiday as I'm planning to do these next year but can't see where the flight times are shown. I'm sure its obvious but unfortunately not to me - computer skills letting me down, I think.
  • (Member)
Hi Katy1717

If you visit the tour page, click on the departures tab and from the drop down select your airport. Then under each date the departure time is listed. Please note this is a provisional time and that all flights are confirmed in your final documents.

Kindest regards,


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