(Member) (Topic Starter)

I returned from Prague Vienna Budapest on 4th September. About 2 weeks ago I sent a message to 'Ask your editor' forum and I phoned 'Just You' on 13th September. The lady I spoke to said she would look into it and get another one sent to me straight away. Am wondering why there's still no questionnaire! On my previous 8 Just You holidays, the questionnaire is there before I get home.The booking ref is: A******

On a happier note, my new 2014/2015 brochure arrived this morning!


  • (Member)
Hi Lynda,

I have chased again to find out what was going on with this missing questionnaire - I was told yesterday that we have had a bug in the system, and that someone would come back to me to let me know where yours was, I have since spoken to someone else who will override all of our systems and put in an urgent request to have this re-issued. If you still have not received this in a couple of days, please contact me again.

I am pleased to hear that Mr Postie has managed to deliver your brochure (if not your questionnaire....yet)

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia, Will all our questionaires arrive, when the bug in your system has been cleared, I arrived home from Costa de la Luz on 17th Sept, I had a lovely holiday,and not yet recieved my Questionaire.
  • (Member)
Hi Rosie,

I would hope so, however if you can send me your booking reference number, I check that it does go through.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)

Because I book my JY holidays through a travel agent, I never receive a questionnaire. Perhaps you could think about sending it with the final documentation, or online? Just a thought.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Rosie,

I would hope so, however if you can send me your booking reference number, I check that it does go through.

Kindest regards,


Hi, Julia

I also have not received my questionnaire. Was on the "Highlights of Tuscany" tour from 5th - 12th September.

Booking Reference: A******(G).



  • (Member)
Hi Jean/Douglas,

Jean, we are looking at offering customers to opportunity to complete questionnaires online however, as you book through an agent, the agent effectively "owns" your booking. Due to a number of terms and conditions as part of our relationship with travel agents, at the moment we are unable to send you certain information directly - including our questionnaires.

Douglas, I will look into this for you.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Rosie,

I would hope so, however if you can send me your booking reference number, I check that it does go through.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julie, Ref No A******, Thanking you

  • (Member)
Hi Rosie,

I have passed your booking reference on to the team that look after this and I will see what is happening for you.

Kindest regards,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Lynda,

I have chased again to find out what was going on with this missing questionnaire - I was told yesterday that we have had a bug in the system, and that someone would come back to me to let me know where yours was, I have since spoken to someone else who will override all of our systems and put in an urgent request to have this re-issued. If you still have not received this in a couple of days, please contact me again.

I am pleased to hear that Mr Postie has managed to deliver your brochure (if not your questionnaire....yet)

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Thanks for your last reply. Well, I don't know what's going on - I've just got my post delivery (Saturday) and still no questionnaire :(

Kind regards


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Jean/Douglas,

Jean, we are looking at offering customers to opportunity to complete questionnaires online however, as you book through an agent, the agent effectively "owns" your booking. Due to a number of terms and conditions as part of our relationship with travel agents, at the moment we are unable to send you certain information directly - including our questionnaires.

Douglas, I will look into this for you.

Kindest regards,


Hi, Julia

Any update on my tour questionnaire - still nothing received either in the post or by email.



  • (Member)
Hi Lynda & Douglas,

This appears to be a problem with the system, you are both still flagged (along with some others) to receive this as soon as we are up and running properly again.

I can only apologise for the delay in getting these to you.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
I haven't received a questionnaire for the Vietnam/Cambodia trip returning on the 20.9.13 booking reference A******


  • (Member)
Thanks Annam,

I'll get this one on the list for re-issuing as soon as our system is back up and running.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
My questionnaire arrived this morning! So the system must be back up and running!



(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

My questionnaire arrived this morning! So the system must be back up and running!



Hi Bob,

I've read your review and I'm pleased to hear that you had a fantastic holiday - and you've received your questionnaire!! Mine still hasn't arrived, so it seems to be a problem only affecting some people. To be honest, I'll be very surprised if it does turn up, I've been back 4 weeks now. Looking forward to Spirit of India on 18th November, I seem to remember you've done this holiday.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Lynda, in my six JY hols the questionnaire has arrived variously before I've got home to around six weeks after! So I wouldn't give up hope just yet...

Well remembered, I did India in March last year (seems like an age ago now!). It was a real full-on adventure and you will get to see so much of northern India - it is an incredibly comprehensive tour, doing the main destinations, as well as Khajuraho and Varanasi. The hotels were wonderful, the bus was a bit basic but fine and there were some early starts and long days on the bus. Be prepared for pungent smells especially at train stations and other assembly points!! It was a bit exhausting and overwhelming at times, but well worth it - and looking back on the tour now, I actually appreciate it a lot more now than I did at the time!

Hope you see a tiger and have a clear sunrise on the Ganges...



(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Lynda, in my six JY hols the questionnaire has arrived variously before I've got home to around six weeks after! So I wouldn't give up hope just yet...

Well remembered, I did India in March last year (seems like an age ago now!). It was a real full-on adventure and you will get to see so much of northern India - it is an incredibly comprehensive tour, doing the main destinations, as well as Khajuraho and Varanasi. The hotels were wonderful, the bus was a bit basic but fine and there were some early starts and long days on the bus. Be prepared for pungent smells especially at train stations and other assembly points!! It was a bit exhausting and overwhelming at times, but well worth it - and looking back on the tour now, I actually appreciate it a lot more now than I did at the time!

Hope you see a tiger and have a clear sunrise on the Ganges...



Hi Bob,

Many thanks for your reply. I shall stop fretting about the questionnaire, apparently there's a big backlog of them so should get mine eventually!

Getting very excited about my trip to India (maybe not the pungent smells though!) - good to hear that the hotels are wonderful, what's the food like? I'm a real foodie!.

Yes, I really hope we see a tiger. In South Africa last year I was the 1st to spot a lion, so hopefully I'll still have big cat spotting skills! I've upgraded my camera, it's got a very good 24x zoom so should get any tigers hiding in the distance. As anyone on my previous JY holidays will be able to testify!, I will be taking loads of photos for the whole trip.

Don't think malaria tablets are needed, not sure about the jabs so going to see about those soon.

Best wishes


'Annam' wrote:

I haven't received a questionnaire for the Vietnam/Cambodia trip returning on the 20.9.13 booking reference A******


I was on same trip, no questionnaire either Anna, by the way emailed you but it bounced back, Jan found the same thing, get in touch if you want.

  • (Member)
Hi again Lynda, no you shouldn't need malaria tablets on this tour - I brought them as my practice nurse was being a bit over zealous, but didn't take them as the tour manager said there was no need (Barbara Eastlake - brilliant TM who's done India loads of times). The food was very good; obviously Indian and a variety of dishes ranging from mild to spicy. Most meals were buffet style which was great. I had an upset stomach for a day and have since learned that it's nothing to do with the quality of the food or way it's cooked - rather Delhi Belly (or in my case Jaipur Belly) is generally caused by different bacteria to what we're used to. I now take Boots digestion support travel pills and had no problems in Vietnam/Cambodia this year (and quite a few others on this tour did have a bit of an upset). I can't advise on jabs as I was covered from doing South Africa the year before.

The undergrowth is not that thick in Ranthambore (well not when we were there anyhow) so if there is a tiger in your vacinity you should see it without too much difficulty! We were extremely lucky, a tigress came out of the scrub and sat about 30 feet away from us, washed herself (which is a sign she is ready to kill/eat), yawned and sauntered off!



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