  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi julia could you please tell me how many have booked on trips christams new year christams/new year ps why is the new year one not on the internet thank you dennis
  • (Member)
Hi Dennis,

On the Christmas in Northern Cyprus tour there are 9 people currently booked and two on the New Year departure.

I wasn't aware that the New Year departure wasn't showing on the website - I will investigate and make sure it is live as soon as possible - Thanks for letting us know!

Kindest regards,


Mick W
  • (Member)

If someone opted to do both the Christmas and New Year holiday how much discount would they get (against just adding both trips price together). ?

The way I see it is 3 things should be considered.

1. Obviously Flights would be the biggest saving (once rather than twice)

2. Transfers to and from airport (same reason as 1)

3. Included excurrsions (certainly wouldn't want to do them twice)


  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

I've just been and spoken to one of my colleagues about this as I didn't want to give you the wrong information.

We can combine the two holidays so that "someone" is able to do back to back holidays without flying home in between - in fact we already have a couple of travellers that have opted to do this. As there are a number of factors that need to be taken in to account, anyone looking to do this, would need to speak to a holiday advisor who would be able to walk them through the options available.

Kindest regards,


This doubling up sounds interesting.

Could you please tell what has been decided re the pricing of this please. I presume that, as at the last post, there were two travellers booked for this, that a pricing policy has been put into place.

Thank you

  • (Member)
Hi Dido123,

Back-to-back holidays are available to customers should they be requested, however there isn't anything specific set up in our reservations system. Our holiday advisors discuss with each individual customer their requirements and provide the best price possible based on the discussion.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie

please could you tell me how many people are booked for Christmas in North Cyprus male and female

could you tell me how many people are booked for New Year North Cyprus male-female

could you tell me how money people are booked for Christmas and New Year per North Cyprus male and female

thank you Julie Dennis

  • (Member)
Hi Dennis,

There are now 15 travellers on the New Year break (4male/11 female)

32 travellers on the Christmas break (9male/23 female)

and still two of you booked on the back to back trip.

Kindest regards,



Can someone booked on this trip tell me what time the flight is on the 21st Dec please?

Need to work out whether a stayover in London is required.


  • (Member)
Hi Padz,

It looks like your flights is currently scheduled to depart Heathrow at 14.25.

As always I have to stress that flight timings are subject to change and your flight details would be confirmed in your final documentation.

Kindest regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie

please could you update me on how many people for Christmas


and how many four the New Year male/female

and who is the tour manager

thank you Dennis

  • (Member)
Hi Dennis

Of course I can

The Christmas departure is now fully booked with 40 travellers (12 men/28 women)

The New Year departure is also fully booked with 40 travellers (10 men/30 women)

There are four of you doing both the Christmas and New year holidays.

The Tour managers provisionally listed are Mark Harbige for the Christmas break and Lorenza Berrini during the New Year break.

Kindest regards,
