  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ben,

Please could you tell me if the hotels on the America Golden West tour have ATMs. Also, do all rooms have safety deposit boxes? I've never toured before and I'm trying to decide how best to handle money/cameras etc. Do people just keep valuables with them at all times? Does Just You have any advice please.



  • (Member)
Good afternoon Sue,

Thanks for getting in touch, apologies for the delay in replying, I have been awaiting a response from our Tour Manager based the USA.

Stratosphere has ATMs. Some rooms have a safe. Security Boxes are available at the Cashiers Desk in the Casino.

Zoso has in room safes. Banks with ATMs are easily located just up the street.

Carriage Inn has in room safes & an ATM in lobby.

La Questa, no in room safes, no ATM.

Radisson has in room safes & an ATM in the lobby.

I hope this helps,



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Ben, that's really helpful. I don't always say thank you when you reply - just trying to reduce the number of e-mails that you get! However, this is just to say how much I appreciate your help with everything I've asked about. You must be SO busy yet you never seem to overlook any requests for help from people. Sue
  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

You're most welcome. I certainly do get a lot of questions but it's brilliant, I really enjoy helping and making sure all of our customers are looked after.

All the best for now,


Ben ๐Ÿ™‚

  • (Member)
'sookie222' wrote:

Hi Ben,

Please could you tell me if the hotels on the America Golden West tour have ATMs. Also, do all rooms have safety deposit boxes? I've never toured before and I'm trying to decide how best to handle money/cameras etc. Do people just keep valuables with them at all times? Does Just You have any advice please.



When I was in Texas last year I found that the way cards were used was different from here in the UK. I donโ€™t know if it is the same all over the USA but you may find the following useful.

1 When I used an ATM you did not leave the card while you entered your pin etc. You put your card fully in the slot, kept hold of it and immediately withdrew it. It was more of a swiping action. If you did not do this the ATM gave an error message.

2 When using a credit card to make purchases in a shop they did not use chip and pin, you signed on the screen of the machine. Because of this you had to show a photo ID. You could use a passport but I prefer to leave this in a safe when possible. It was much better to use a photo driving licence. If you lose your passport abroad it is a big problem which has to be sorted out before you can return to the UK. If you lose your driving licence you can apply for a new one when you get home.

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

Looking forward to meeting you, Thanks for asking Ben the question, something I was wondering about this also. Thanks Ben for putting our minds at rest.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Looking forward to meeting you too Rosina, I'm really getting excited now but try not to think about the holiday too much as I start to panic a bit with nerves! Will calm down when I get my final paperwork and I know for sure that everything is there, ESTA etc. Trying to sort out what I need to take with me now without carrying a huge suitcase. There are going to be so many of us in the group that we'll need our own lounge at the airport ๐Ÿ™‚. Also, thanks to davidj for the tips re. using ATMs and cards, never crossed my mind that the system would be a bit different from the UK. Sue