Active Anne
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Will be arriving at Heathrow from Aberdeen to fly to Barcelona. Will there be a JY Rep. at Heathrow and also one on the cruise? How many Just You clients will be on this cruise?
  • (Member)
Hi Anne,

thanks for your post, there will be a Just You rep to meet you at the airport, however there is not one of our Tour Managers on the cruise. This is an agency cruise, therefore I am not sure if the operating company will be supplying a Tour Manager but there will the ship's staff throughout the duration. When you reach Barcelona there will be a Just You representative to meet you to organise the excursions etc. Presently there are 9 customers booked on this cruise,

I hope this helps, have a great break 🙂


  • (Member)
Can I jump on this thread please and ask is there somewhere to find out about shore excursions/transfers from ports? I looked on the cruise line site, but it's a little confusing.
