  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Is there a way that instead of people keep asking the age per tour and male / female ratio etc and you having to look into it and reply, is there not a place on these boards that can have the tours listed with these details on. A bit like the notice you have running for departures. So then people only have to look at that tour information and it would be there, or is this harder work for someone to keep track off?

Just a thought..

BTW your doing very well with all your reply's ..


  • (Member)
Good morning Cindy,

Hope you are well 🙂

You have raised a really good point, it has in fact been the topic of debate for a few months now, we have the information to hand but to actually implement it so it appears on the websites in a customer friendly format is actually a bit of a technological challenge sadly! It is definitely in the pipeline though,

Keep the ideas coming though, its always great to receive them,

Thanks for your kind words,

Ben 🙂

  • (Member)
p.s Gaining on your post count quickly..ish 😛


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I think you have so MANY more questions to answer before your total over runs my total of postings..good luck trying...I am just wondering what my new name will be after posting freak..perhaps Get A Life!!...

Come on technology challenge there must be a young one out there at JY that can sort it out, if an OLD one like me has thought of it, I wish the technology department good luck with sorting it out..Just makes sense to me.

Carry on the good work all of you


  • (Member)
Hi Ben,

Could I add another suggestion to the ones Cindy has made.

I understand the difficulty with age range and numbers of bookings constantly changing but, once appointed, I hope the tour manager won't change. When the tour departure board is compiled, could an extra column be added to include their name.


  • (Member)
Hi Trish!

Thanks for your suggestion, its appreciated. I will certainly append it to Cindy's suggestion, they are all really good ideas. Tour Managers don't tend to change no as once they are allocated that's it, but there all so thrilled with the destinations and tours that our TM team assign to them, they can't wait to go! The only reason a TM would pull off a tour is down to personal reasons, it rarely happens,

Thanks once again both,


  • (Member)
Hi Ben,

Another suggestion: could an extra category be added to the Forum index, or maybe even replace the Testamonials slot? I'm thinking of a place where people could post their tips, advice, useful info etc for specific holidays? It would save the need for repetition of threads and hassle trying to find relevant info as the holiday draws near. For example, people wanting to know how much money to take on the China trip, or what clothes to bring, would simply look up the China thread, where everyone had put up their various tips on the Wonder of China tour etc etc. What do you think?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Sounds to me like a great idea and one we could implement very easily, I'll discuss it the higher powers, watch this space!

Thanks very much keep the ideas coming everyone! 🙂


  • (Member)

I wondered if anything had come of this,

The whole range of information would be great, but especially just showing the Tour Managers name (once allocated) against a particular holiday, as that seems to be the most common question.

On this topic, generally speaking, how far in advance is the Tour Manager appointed ?



  • (Member)
Hello Stuart,

I hope you are well, it has been put put forward to the powers that be, the wheels do turn here, all be it slowly sometimes 🙂 I will keep you posted.

In regards to Tour Manager allocation, we allocate them around 3 months in advance.

I hope this helps,



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Lets hope the wheels keep turning, perhaps the need for speed needs to be put in place!!

This weather is grinding me down can't wait for Florida!!!


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy!

I couldn't agree more, I too am a sun worshiper, it's not to long for you, it will soon be here 🙂

Hope you're well,


Hi Ben, everyone,

I asked similar questions about a year ago - having age/gender/tour manager details available, so I realise how tricky it must be to do. However, there does seem to be such a lot of duplication on each tab with people asking similar questions on different tabs. Perhaps if you just had 'Talk to Travellers', 'Talk to Just You', 'Tour Reviews' you could replace the other tabs with new headings - the Tips tab sounds a good idea but in reality travellers seem to ask about tips everywhere on the site and looking at the number of posts against Tips, this tab doesn't seem to get used that much. 'Replacing' is usually much easier than trying to 'Create' from my software experiences! Perhaps use one of the tabs for JY to provide info instead of allowing travellers to add posts, i.e. 'Useful Info For Tours Running Jan-Mar 2013'. I'm hoping to be travelling with JY for some time to come so will no doubt see everyone's wonderful ideas come to fruition eventually 🙂. Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Sue, I agree that many people don't use the different forum tabs correctly and I find this very frustrating, there is so much duplication - which is why I suggested the "Share your travel tips" tab in the first place! It's only been operational for the last six or seven months, so early days compared with the other tabs which have been running for many years. I'd like to think that some folks have found it useful!

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I think new comers just latch on to the the main posting board, and do not look at the other threads/headings/boards, being an OLD HAND!!!!! I to get fed up keep asking the same questions I do try, but on a bad day LOL I suggest have a look around the other postings. Maybe I was like that in the beginning it's been so long now I forget !!!!


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Sue, I agree that many people don't use the different forum tabs correctly and I find this very frustrating, there is so much duplication - which is why I suggested the "Share your travel tips" tab in the first place! It's only been operational for the last six or seven months, so early days compared with the other tabs which have been running for many years. I'd like to think that some folks have found it useful!

All the best,


Hi Bob, I didn't realise Tips was a relatively new addition. When I joined JY it was actually the first thing I looked at! Then I realised that unfortunately all the tips weren't just in one place, would have been great if used properly. That said I have still taken some useful info. from it. Sue

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