Peter Jersey
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am going to Andalucia on 23rd February. I see from an answer to a comment that the Tour Manager would either meet you at Malaga Airport or the Hotel. I understand the reasons for this as there are several flights coming from all over the UK at different times. However, would it not be a good idea if you gave all the holidaymakers a contact number in case they miss the Tour Manager or the person holding up the board as you can be delayed on Airside for a number of reasons. I do not mean a phone number in the UK.

Peter :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Peter

Don't worry, we haven't missed anyone yet! If one person did manage to miss the pick-up, the tour manager or driver would wait and look for them, holding a Just You sign. We certainly wouldn't leave anyone at the airport.

However, you can fill in your contact details here, in case we need to contact you in unforseeable circumstances: 

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Mick W
  • (Member)

I've done this holiday and will say don't worry, when you collect youtr luggage and walk to the main hall your tour manager will be waiting with a Just You sign, you would have to walk straight past making it virtually impossible to not see them.

If you put your JY labels on your luggage odds are you'll end up going through with others on the trip, people tend to look out for each other.


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