  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Olly

How many hours before should I arrive at London (Heathrow) before departing to Madrid? According to my information pack it says 120 minutes for flight within Europe. But since this is a connecting Flight from London (Heathrow) to Madrid (Barajas) then from Madrid to Lima (Jorge Chavez Intl). Should I arrive at Heathrow 180 minutes before departare?

Also what happens when we switch flights at Madrid? Do I require to claim and recheck in my baggage again or is baggage automatically transferred?

Will there be any rep or tour guide's person available at Heathrow/Madrid/Lima?

Also whatever the process is, would be the same coming back?

My booking Ref is ***

Tour Code: SLPER

Flight from London (Heathrow): IB3171 Airline booking ref: 45WQT9

Flight from Madrid (Barajas): LA2707

Many Thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Bradley

Arriving two hours early will be fine but there's no harm in aiming to get there a bit earlier in case you have any delays on the way to the airport. I always find the time goes very quickly.

Your bags will be checked through at Madrid for you.

Your tour manager Jonny Casey will be there at Heathrow to help you check in, fly out with you, then fly back with you at the end of the holiday so you'll be accompanied all the way.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Olly' wrote:

Hi Bradley

Arriving two hours early will be fine but there's no harm in aiming to get there a bit earlier in case you have any delays on the way to the airport. I always find the time goes very quickly.

Your bags will be checked through at Madrid for you.

Your tour manager Jonny Casey will be there at Heathrow to help you check in, fly out with you, then fly back with you at the end of the holiday so you'll be accompanied all the way.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Thank you Olly. 🙂