  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Could you tell me how long it is generally before you receive written documentation on booking a holiday? I have been waiting nearly 2 weeks but nothing has arrived. I rang up last week and was told it would probably arrive in the next 7 to 10 days, ie nearly 3 weeks later

Is this normal?

  • (Member)
Hi Patr

Yes, you should receive your confirmation around then. If you haven't had anything by the end of next week, let me know and I will look into it for you. Please include your booking reference too.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly

Does it usually take this long? On booking *** I was told "3 to 5 working days" on 16th June. I rang on 24th June to be told "7 - 10 working days", and now, per your reply it could be up to 12 days, which brings the date roughly to 9th July. I presume full payment will be due at the end of the month, so I would like some documentation before then.

Perhaps somebody could ring me if there is a problem?

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Pat

I have asked our Holiday Advisors to send you another letter if one is not already on the way.

I also checked your booking and, rest assured, everything is fine.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly,

The documentation finally arrived on 1st July - the date shown on the correspondence was 24th June - I do think your advisors should not say "3 to 5 working days" as this is misleading - something to the effect of "7 to 10 working days then 2nd class post would have been more useful.

At least it has arrived!

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Pat

It sounds like your documents were held up in the post. But I'm glad to hear you have them now.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly,

Received another set of documents today (6th JUly) dated 17th June, with no regional flight details included. Can I assume the previous correspondence dated 24th June is correct?

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Pat

Yes, you should refer to the letter with the most recent date.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor