Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

South Africa and Victoria Falls 21/9

Have just read all the stuff on clothes to wear in mossie country but have come across conflicting advice on when to start the malaria tablets. My practice nurse says start about day 7 (before we fly to Durban), a friend has been told start at Durban and yet another one was told only need 10 tablets. I would rather have too many than not enough but considering the cost don't want to go overboard. From the trips that Just You do some of the tour guides must have some advice.

  • (Member)
Hi Jenny

I'm not able to give any medical advice but I would suggest you follow whatever you have been told by your GP or practice nurse.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

No idea if this will help you but when I went to Kenya, I took from two days before I left all the while I was away and then I think a week when I came home, I was on Malerone 1 a day tablet. I would re check exactley what your doc's or practice nurse says and go by their advice.


  • (Member)
I have had misleading and incorrect information from my GP practice in the past.

If in doubt I phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

Hi Jenny,

I know that different malaria regions require different anti-malaria tablets so that may explain the why you're getting differing info about how many to take and when.

I only use my GP if I need vaccinations. For anti-malaria tablets I just pop into my local Boots chemists; they look up what I need and I just buy them over the counter. I haven't had any problems following their advice and I think the last time I bought some they were on offer so that was even better!


Hi Jenny,

I am going to S. Africa on 21st Sept. The malaria tablets are a bit confusing.

I am taking Malarone which I understand we need to take 2 days before entering a malaria area and 7 days after. My GP Nurse recommended starting day 7 also (which is 2 days before we enter Zululand and a game reserve, which the nurse felt was a malaria risk area). I am not doing the add on and the nurse suggested I need 13 tablets. I imagine everyone will get differing advice but hope this helps reassure you.


Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Olly' wrote:

Hi Jenny

I'm not able to give any medical advice but I would suggest you follow whatever you have been told by your GP or practice nurse.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Sorry if I did not make it plain on my email. I WAS NOT asking for medical advice, I have a perfectly competent Doctor's practice for that. What I did want to know from the number of tour guides who must do this trip was 'at what stage in the journey do mossies become a real problem'. May be I should have posted on the ask your tour guide link but in all of the ones that I have read answers come from fellow travellers not the couriers.


  • (Member)
Hi Jen

I see what you mean. Unfortunately, only a few of our tour managers use the Community so you might not get an answer from them before you go.

But, as you will see, quite a few other Community users have offered you their advice. I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'DebbieLS' wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I am going to S. Africa on 21st Sept. The malaria tablets are a bit confusing.

I am taking Malarone which I understand we need to take 2 days before entering a malaria area and 7 days after. My GP Nurse recommended starting day 7 also (which is 2 days before we enter Zululand and a game reserve, which the nurse felt was a malaria risk area). I am not doing the add on and the nurse suggested I need 13 tablets. I imagine everyone will get differing advice but hope this helps reassure you.


Hi Debbie,

That agrees with what my GP nurse says and what I shall go for but I know two other people who are doing the trip and addon (four of us who met in Australia 2 years ago are meeting up on this) and both have been given different advice by their GPs. At least you and I will be singing from the same hymn sheet as they say. See you soon.


(Member) sounds, Jenny, that you don't have too much confidence in your GP's nurse if you feel the need to get a second opinion...?
Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'julian888' wrote: sounds, Jenny, that you don't have too much confidence in your GP's nurse if you feel the need to get a second opinion...?

No, it is other peoples advice that worries me. Silly I know.


'Jenny wrote:

'DebbieLS' wrote:

Hi Jenny,

I am going to S. Africa on 21st Sept. The malaria tablets are a bit confusing.

I am taking Malarone which I understand we need to take 2 days before entering a malaria area and 7 days after. My GP Nurse recommended starting day 7 also (which is 2 days before we enter Zululand and a game reserve, which the nurse felt was a malaria risk area). I am not doing the add on and the nurse suggested I need 13 tablets. I imagine everyone will get differing advice but hope this helps reassure you.


Hi Debbie,

That agrees with what my GP nurse says and what I shall go for but I know two other people who are doing the trip and addon (four of us who met in Australia 2 years ago are meeting up on this) and both have been given different advice by their GPs. At least you and I will be singing from the same hymn sheet as they say. See you soon.


I can also confirm my GP travel nurse has given me the same information regarding the malaria tablets. I am to start 2 days before we enter a malaria risk area and continue taking them for the rest of the holiday and 1 week after my return. By my calculations I will start when we reach Durban on day 7. I have also now booked my Yellow Fever jab for the trip into Zambia.

See you all on 21st September.
