  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

i have just returned from a lovely trip in malta.

our tour guide was a local rep - Jacqui/Jackie someone? she did give me her name and asked i mail her as she is visiting London in December. However, i have misplaced her note somewhere. could you please provide her name so i may mail her.

i would really appreciate this.

with thanks, vina

  • (Member)
Hi Vina,

We are unable to pass on personal information without permission.

I'd recommend re-posting a message in the Tour Managers section of this forum to see if they make contact that way and in the meantime I'll try and track down who your rep was and see what I can do.

Kind regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Dear Julia

many thanks for getting back.

i understand you cannot pass out such information - i did think you may say that but thought it was worth a try anyway. we had said we will find each other on facebook; however, without a surname it is very hard!

if you could do something then that would be great, but if not i completely understand. and thank you for trying.

with best wishes, vina

  • (Member)
Hi Vina,

Your rep on this tour was Jackie Vassallo.

I'm afraid I can't give you any contact details but if you'd already discussed Facebook with her I'm sure the name will help.

Kind regards
