  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ollie, Could you advice me on how much money i will need for this holiday. Vanessa
  • (Member)
Hi Vanessa

It's always hard to say, as some people spend a lot and some spend very little. That said, your excursions and most of your meals are included (except one dinner and four lunches) so you probably could get by on not very much. If I were going, I would take maybe 150-200 Euros for the extra meals, drinks and a few souvenirs.

The expert on this holiday on the Community is Andy103, who has done this holiday a number of times. Hopefully he will see this message and give you his opinion too.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Vanessa,

I did a similar trip (Walks and castles of the Moselle) to this region in 2009 and I'm booked on the Ahr Valley trip for June.

On the trip I did in '09 I didn't spend much at all - a few soft drinks and a snack during the day, a beer or two in the evening, a couple of small presents and that was about it. I don't anticipate my spending will be much different this year.

If I do need any extra cash I'll raid the cashpoint but I'm not expecting that I'll have to do that.

Hope you have a good break.

Julian 🙂