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(Member) (Topic Starter)
yes wondered if there is any rambling /walking hoilday on Just You as im interested, wonder if you cud help
  • (Member)
Hi Lizzy

A couple of holidays spring to mind: Walking in the Ahr Valley, which takes you through some of the prettiest scenery in Germany, and Walking & Culture in Turkey, which also includes plenty of fascinating historic sites. You can find these on our website by entering the tour codes SEGAV and SETRKL on our homepage holiday search and clicking 'go'.

Let me know if I can help with anything else.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Lizzy

I can confirm the Walking in The Ahr Valley holiday is a very good trip, I have been on it several times, There are some photos on the Holiday snaps of it from me, Not sure what page but I think it may be page 12 or upwards. The walking is good although I would not considerate overly difficult, The Red Wine trail is a hike at gentle pace. It is worth visiting, If you would like any more info please let me know,

Regards Andy

Hi Lizzy,

I wasnt far wrong, Picture on Page 13, Bottom middle, I am the handome one, There are a number of photos which may give you some idea.

Good Luck Andy

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'JustAndy103' wrote:

Hi Lizzy,

I wasnt far wrong, Picture on Page 13, Bottom middle, I am the handome one, There are a number of photos which may give you some idea.

Good Luck Andy

Hi Andy how do we find out who is our tour manager for Walking in the Air Vallley. do you know wat eather & tepurtures are line in June & wat clothing do you recommend, do you dress up in evening or is it smart casual wear,hope you can help me as it is my 1st time traviling with Just You


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