  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Is there anyone doing the Australian Adventure trip on 23 Sep 2007 ? This is my dream trip having done quite a few singles holidays to Europe. I am still trying to decide if I should do a stopover on the way out but dont want to do it on my own, so it would be good if anyone reading this was thinking the same thing


  • (Member)
Hi John

I am going to Australia on September 23 and then going onto New Zealand as decided that it was a good idea to do the two together. I have been on loads of Just You holidays, started off with India then moscow and St petersburgh, China, Egypt, South Africa, this year i have been to japan, shortly leaving for Borneo, then the aussie/nz trip then i and 2 guys i met in South Africa are off to Thailand. I have already worked out 2008, already booked on the new orleans carnival with travelsphere as Just you arent going this year and plan to book east coastliner, florida and bahamas, new england and new york and nepal. Ilive 20 minutes from heathrow so its all easy forme and as i amex BA cabin crew i know my way around. Would love to get to know someone going on such a long trip beforehand so do drop me a line. I love this new just you site especially as i have just e mailed our favourite Tour Manager to see if he is going on the USA trips , a fabulous Tour manager makes all the difference to ones enjoyment. Do get in touch.Gilly mcRobbie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Gillian, great to hear from you I was beginning to think I was the only one doing this trip. Ws thniking of extending but I really dont have enough holidays left for that. Am doing the Belgian Grand Prix the weekend before Australia so only back in work for 3 days ! I agree this community is a good idea, its good to get to know at least one person on such a long flight! Are you doing the pre holiday get together dinner ?


  • (Member)
No John im not as i only live 30 minutes from Heathrow and as im an ex BA Trolley Dolly ( ooh they would kill me for that) i always have some current staff who bring me to the airport which saves a lot of hassle. it will be my 8th just you trip so im glad to know someone whose going. Grand prix should be fun hope you have a good time. Wont be long now till september. Im off on the Borneo trip on Monday just as the weathers getting good here. cheers for now . Gilly
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
How was Borneo Gillian ? I cant wait for September, been so busy and really looking forward to Australia. Either this message board is not heavily used or we are the only two doing this trip !


  • (Member)

Just read your messages - I'm going to Austrailia on 23rd Sept as well - good to know I'm not alone!

I'm also doing the add-on trip to New Zealand afterwards.

This is my first singles holiday and I'm really nervous but also very excited!

Quick question - does anyone know what the baggage allowance is - I'm panicking about getting 4 week's worth of stuff in a small suitcase!!!

Look forward to hearing from you


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Carol,

Great to hear from someone else going. Ihave been looking on the Quantas webstie and it looks like the allowance is just 20kg (not a lot for a long haul) Wish I had extended to do the New Zealand trip !

Look forward to meeting eveyone in just over a month
